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Home > Victorian negative and digital Albums > 0156
Shepparton yard view looking north across High Street grade crossing from No.2 Road and the Tocumwal mainline, points for former 'engine track' are on the right, points for the road from the Tocumwal line to No.1 Road set, line on the right is to Katamatite, searchlight signal posts 10 and 11 are the down home signals for each line, track on the far left cross High Street and is the former SEC Siding, SPC Siding can be seen on the right in the distance beyond searchlight signal posts 14 and 15, both down homes.


Shepparton yard view looking north across High Street grade crossing from No.2 Road and the Tocumwal mainline, points for former 'engine track' are on the right, points for the road from the Tocumwal line to No.1 Road set, line on the right is to Katamatite, searchlight signal posts 10 and 11 are the down home signals for each line, track on the far left cross High Street and is the former SEC Siding, SPC Siding can be seen on the right in the distance beyond searchlight signal posts 14 and 15, both down homes.

156-11.jpg 156-10.jpg 156-09.jpg 156-08.jpg 156-07.jpg
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File information
Album name:admin / 0156
Location:Shepparton, Vic
Filesize:302 KiB
Date added:Apr 30, 2014
Dimensions:1280 x 846 pixels
Displayed:179 times
Favourites:Add to Favourites
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