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130721 2193r419 viewsBoodarie, empty waggon pair 3357 and 4358 head south back to the mines. A pair of waggons from orders for 882 pairs built by China Northern or CNR QRRS Qiqihar Railway Rolling Stock Co between 2010 and 2012. 21st July 2012.
130815 2574973 viewsBarker Siding, FMG has ten 82.4 tonne capacity air operated side dump waggons built in USA by JK-CO in 2012. SDC 09 sits at the ballast loading point. 15th August 2013.
130818 2712r1465 viewsKanyirri Yard, FMG's Progress Rail Muncie built EMD SD70ACe/LCi locomotive 707 serial 20118611-007 built 2012 seen here coupled to a sister unit. 18th August 2013.
130917 2858r652 viewsTabba Siding, BHP Billiton loaded Yandi train behind Progress Rail Muncie built EMD SD70ACe locomotive 4385 serial 20108424-012 from the seventh order and this order was the first order to be delivered without ladder stirrups on either end. 17th September 2013.
131126 3779r1448 viewsKanyirri Yard, FMG's Electro-Motive Division built SD9043MAC locomotive 909 serial 976833-33 was originally UP SD90MAC-H 8554 built in 1999, rebuilt by NS Juniata Shops in 2011 for FMG and fitted with a 710G3 engine. 26th November 2013.
140202 0448r759 viewsNelson Point at Car Dumper One, in the process of dumping this view shows another modified type 'patio gate' arrangement on the front of BHP Billiton SD70ACe unit 4365 serial 20098203-010 part of an eighteen unit sixth order for EMD locomotive built at London Ontario. 2nd February 2014.
140317 0564r760 viewsHere's the Troopy at home showing the extensive damage that a little tree out Wittenoom way did, March 2014.
140603 0697r699 viewsHere's the Troopy at the panel shop with a complete new LHS panel. June 2014.
140603 0698r600 viewsHere's the Troopy at the panel shop with a complete new LHS panel, that's the new fender and mudguard inside the car. June 2014.
140603 0699r612 viewsHere's the Troopy at the panel shop with a complete new LHS panel viewed from the back, I'm talking to Keith from the panel shop. June 2014.
140603 0700r672 viewsHere's the Troopy at the panel shop with the mudguard and fender removed showing the relays and engine bay. June 2014.
141126 7252r981 viewsKanga at the 105 km, the final member of FMG's thirty strong fleet of tank waggons TK 30, 95,000 litre capacity built in China by CSR at the Zhuzhou Rolling Stock Works. 26th November 2014.
150129 7443887 viewsPort Hedland, Roy Hill's General Electric built ES44ACi unit RHA 1013 serial 62585 is their first locomotive to be delivered off the vessel Ocean Charger and being transported by ALE to Roy Hill's flash butt yard. Seen here leaving the Port Hedland port. 29th January 2015.
150129 74501066 viewsPort Hedland, Roy Hill's General Electric built ES44ACi unit RHA 1013 serial 62585 is their first locomotive to be delivered off the vessel Ocean Charger and being transported by ALE to Roy Hill's flash butt yard. Seen here leaving the Port Hedland port. 29th January 2015.
150129 7482857 viewsRedbank, running off the bridge over competitor BHP's railway Roy Hill's General Electric built ES44ACi unit RHA 1013 serial 62585 being delivered behind two ALE Kenworth prime movers. 29th January 2015.
150130 7555772 viewsPort Hedland, Wilson Street, Roy Hill's General Electric built ES44ACi unit RHA 1011 serial 62583 swings round onto Wilson Street during delivery behind an ALE Kenworth. 30th January 2015.
150130 7570781 viewsPort Hedland, Wilson Street, now with the second ALE Kenworth prime mover coupled up Roy Hill's General Electric built ES44ACi unit RHA 1011 serial 62583 heads off to be placed on rails. 30th January 2015.
150130 7603747 viewsGreat Northern Highway, at the location of the 18.2 km grade crossing, a railing view of Roy Hill's General Electric built ES44ACi unit RHA 1011 serial 62583 as it runs along the tracks it will soon ply. 30th January 2015.
150130 76111060 viewsPort Hedland, right hand side rear view of Roy Hill's General Electric built ES44ACi unit RHA 1010 serial 62582, this angle shows the size of the radiator wing section. 29th January, 2015.
150130 7630847 viewsPort Hedland, Wilson Street, front view of Roy Hill's General Electric built ES44ACi unit RHA 1010 serial 62582 during delivery 30th January 2015.
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