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040806 185922r493 viewsNelson Point, the first of the last! EMD SD40R unit 3096 serial 31510 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8429 the first SD40R unloaded out of the final batch sits at the hardstand awaiting pick-up 6th August 2004.
040807 024920r504 viewsNelson Point, BHP GE AC6000 6077 'Nimingarra' serial 51069 idles away 0250 hrs on the loco spur near the South Yard Loco Prep facility 7th August 2004.
040807 025404r511 viewsNelson Point, BHP's South Yard Locomotive Prep Shed holds GE AC6000 units 6073 'Fortescue' serial 51065 and 6075 'Newman' serial 51067 with Goninan rebuild CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06/93-139 on the night shift, 7th August 2004. This facility has since been demolished.
040807 082023r549 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, EMD SD40R unit 3097 serial 31569 and originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8409 is the final member of the SD40 units and is being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage 7th August 2004.
040807 082350r568 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, EMD SD40R unit 3097 serial 31569 and originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8409 is the final member of the SD40 units and is being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage 168 wheel float into BHP Nelson Point via Gate 9 7th August 2004.
040807 112612r544 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3095 serial 33677 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8485 being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage on a 168 wheel float 7th August 2004.
040807 112646r602 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3095 serial 33677 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8485 being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage on a 168 wheel float as it turns into Gate 9 for Nelson Point 7th August 2004.
040807 121312r625 viewsNelson Point freshly delivered BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3095 serial 33677 frame 7083-7 and originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8485 is being shunted by Track Mobile #2 7th August 2004.
040807 184612r602 viewsNelson Point, BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3093 serial 33679 and originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8487 sits at the hard stand having been delivered earlier in the day 7th August 2004.
040807 185900r516 viewsNelson Point BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3093 serial 31498 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8417 waits on a road float to be lifted onto rails the following day 7th August 2004.
040808 193836r569 viewsNelson Point BHP Billiton SD40 unit 3079 serial 31542 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8461 and still in former owner IC&E blue and yellow has been fitted with some crew amenities like cab air-con, radios and microwave to allow it to operate as a yard pilot, seen here as it waits with a loaded train at Car Dumper 2 8th August 2004.
040809 160142r516 viewsNelson Point BHP Billiton EMD SD40R units 3094-3097-3096-3095 under load testing between CM40-8M units 5641 and 5636 return from Bing Siding prior to them entering service 9th August 2004.
040809 161352r545 viewsNelson Point BHP Billiton SD40 yard pilot unit 3080 serial 33674 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8482 and wearing former owner IC&E blue and yellow livery crosses the BI-LO grade crossing with a loaded rake for Car Dumper 3 9th August 2004.
040809 162852r472 viewsNelson Point, BHP GE AC6000 6075 'Newman' serial 51067 and EMD SD40R 3090 serial 33680 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8488 depart the yard with the 1630 hrs departure on 9th August 2004. The mid-train units 5660 and 5656 can be just seen in picture.
040810 101005r458 viewsAbydos Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6075 'Newman' serial 51067 leads EMD SD40R unit 3090 serial 33680 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8488 on the mainline having passed Tamper 2. The 330 board is the 330 waggon train clearance point from the north end switch. 10th August 2004.
040810 123248r431 viewsCowra Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40R 3088 serial 31513 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8432 with a loaded train through the mainline at the newly reinstated siding of Cowra, located at the 249 km 10th August 2004.
040810 125600r407 viewsHesta Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40R 3088 serial 31513 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8432 with a loaded train powering upgrade 10th August 2004.
040810 130942r413 viewsThe 226 km between Hesta and Shaw sidings, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40R 3088 serial 31513 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8432 with a loaded train powering upgrade 10th August 2004.
040810 133232r462 viewsShaw Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40R 3088 serial 31513 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8432 with a loaded pass a victim of the cow plough 10th August 2004.
040810 134944r393 viewsGarden Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40R 3088 serial 31513 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8432 with a loaded train is in full dynamic with air brake applied to keeps the train under control down the 1 in 40 grade between Shaw and Garden here at the Garden South arrival signal 10th August 2004.
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