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Home > Western Australian Negative and Digital Albums > 5445_Esperance_Fuel_240328

240328 31890 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 582 built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1976 for Shell, in a batch of three, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 31900 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 574 built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 for Shell, in a batch of nine, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 31910 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 581 built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1976 for Shell, in a batch of three, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 31920 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's ATQF type fuel tank waggon ATQF 612, built by Indeng Qld 1982, in a batch of two, for Shell as type WJQ, 79,340 litre, one compartment one dome, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Shell Fleet No. TR721 still visible and Indeng builders plate visible at the far end. Safe fill level of 72,000 litres. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 31930 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 573 built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 for Shell, in a batch of nine, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 31940 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 580 built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1976 for Shell, in a batch of three, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 31950 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 575 built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 for Shell, in a batch of nine, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 31960 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 571, class leader, built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 for Shell, in a batch of nine, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 31970 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 6126 built by Indeng, Qld in 1976, in a batch of four, for Shell as an SCA type 65,000 litre one compartment oil tank SCA 277. Recoded to NTAF 277, then NTAF 6126. Diesel capacity of 61,300 litres. Freight Australia painted out in middle of tank and fitted with conventional couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 31981 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 577 built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 for Shell, in a batch of nine, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 31991 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's APTF type fuel tank waggon ATPF 572 built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1974 for Shell, in a batch of nine, as a WJP type 80,660 litre, one compartment one dome tank waggon, with a SFL of 80,500 litres, fitted with type F InterLock couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 32001 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's NTBF type fuel tank waggon NTBF 6120, built by Comeng NSW in 1975, in a batch of five, as an SCA type, 69,000 litre one compartment, bitumen tank waggon for Shell Bitumen NSW as SCA 271. Freight Australia painted out in middle of tank and fitted with conventional couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 32011 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 6129 built by Indeng, Qld in 1976, in a batch of four, for Shell as an SCA type 65,000 litre one compartment oil tank SCA 280. Recoded to NTAF 280, then NTAF 6129. Diesel capacity of 61,660 litres. Freight Australia painted out in middle of tank and fitted with conventional couplers. Pacific National empty fuel train 5445 to Esperance. March 28, 2024.
240328 32022 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Viva Energy's ATMF type fuel tank waggon ATMF 551 is one of three built by Tulloch Limited NSW as the WJM type in 1971 with a capacity of 96,250 litres with one compartment and one dome, current Safe Fill Level [SFL] capacity of 80,500 litres, fitted with type E coupler. WJM's 551 and 552 built for Shell and 553 built for BP Oil. Pacific National's 5445 empty fuel train to Esperance. March 28.2024.
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