
240328 31200 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco's 5WS4 loaded acid transfer train with 57' DQHY type flat waggon built by CRRC in China for Watco to carry the CSA acid tanks, DQHY 13023 with CSA-0127 acid tank. March 28, 2024.

240328 31210 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco's 5WS4 loaded acid transfer train with 57' DQHY type flat waggon built by CRRC in China for Watco to carry the CSA acid tanks, DQHY 13020 with CSA-0123 acid tank. March 28, 2024.

240328 31220 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco's 5WS4 loaded acid transfer train with 57' DQHY type flat waggon built by CRRC in China for Watco to carry the CSA acid tanks, DQHY 13017 with CSA-0102 acid tank. March 28, 2024.

240328 31230 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco's 5WS4 loaded acid transfer train with 57' DQHY type flat waggon built by CRRC in China for Watco to carry the CSA acid tanks, DQHY 13001 with CSA 0087 acid tank. March 28, 2024.

240328 31240 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco's 5WS4 loaded acid transfer train with 57' DQHY type flat waggon built by CRRC in China for Watco to carry the CSA acid tanks, DQHY 13022 with CSA-0188 acid tank. March 28, 2024.

240328 31250 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco's 5WS4 loaded acid transfer train with 57' DQHY type flat waggon built by CRRC in China for Watco to carry the CSA acid tanks, DQHY 13012 with CSA-0130 acid tank. March 28, 2024.

240328 31268 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco's 5WS4 loaded acid transfer train with 57' DQHY type flat waggon built by CRRC in China for Watco to carry the CSA acid tanks, DQHY 13041 with CSA-0122 acid tank. March 28, 2024.

240328 31274 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco's 5WS4 loaded acid transfer train with 57' DQHY type flat waggon built by CRRC in China for Watco to carry the CSA acid tanks, DQHY 13042 with CSA 0082 acid tank. March 28, 2024.

240328 31285 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco's 5WS4 loaded acid transfer train with 57' DQHY type flat waggon built by CRRC in China for Watco to carry the CSA acid tanks, DQHY 13040 with CSA-0114 acid tank. March 28, 2024.

240328 31298 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco's 5WS4 loaded acid transfer train with 57' DQHY type flat waggon built by CRRC in China for Watco to carry the CSA acid tanks, DQHY 13006 with CSA 0112 acid tank. March 28, 2024.

240328 31305 viewsHampton Ballast Siding, Watco operated loaded acid transfer train 5WS4 from the smelter at Hampton to the sidings here. CQPY type 40' container waggon CQPY 1871 is one of two hundred built by Rail First at their Islington workshops, SA in 2021-2023. In use here as a safety waggon. March 28, 2024.