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Last additions - 0111
111-17695 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge loco X class X 47 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-794 and N class N 461 'City of Ararat' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1190, loaded grain rake, waiting access to the grain loop.Apr 16, 2014
111-16410 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge loco X class X 47 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-794 and N class N 461 'City of Ararat' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1190 with a loaded grain loop have their crib break before heading back to the grain loop.Apr 16, 2014
111-15335 viewsGheringhap, broad gauge V/Line A class A 71 Clyde Engineering EMD model AAT22C-2R serial 83-1180 rebuilt from B 71 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-12 and N set departing with the down Ararat via Nth Geelong passenger train 8105, point rodding, signals wires and the former station platform are visible.Apr 16, 2014
111-14401 viewsGheringhap station view, V/Line broad gauge A class A 71 Clyde Engineering EMD model AAT22C-2R serial 83-1180 rebuilt from B 71 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-12 and N set work the down Ararat via Nth Geelong passenger train 8105, pausing to swap the electric staff for the ordinary train staff ticket to Warrenheip, signaller has the train staff to show the driver and the ticket which the driver will use as his authority to Warrenheip. This working of special train staff and ticket was introduced in November 1993 for the line between Gheringhap and Warrenheip on weekends only, replacing the electric staff section Gheringhap to Meredith.Apr 16, 2014
111-13300 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line broad gauge up Mt Gambier goods train 9192 heads around the Loop Line bound for Melbourne behind X class X 48 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-795 and X 42 serial 70-705, trailing view.Apr 16, 2014
111-12315 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line broad gauge up Mt Gambier goods train 9192 heads around the Loop Line bound for Melbourne behind X class X 48 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-795 and older sister X 42 serial 70-705, signal post 19 is the down home signal for the Loop Line.Apr 16, 2014
111-11331 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge loco X class X 48 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-795 shunts backs onto older sister X 42 serial 70-705 with the up Mt Gambier goods train 9192, loaded grain rake on the right.Apr 16, 2014
111-10300 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge locos T class T 374 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-329 and T class 3?? run back toward North Geelong C Box bound for the loco depot framed between semaphore post 13, ground dwarf disc signal 12 and 9192 up Mt Gambier goods train.Apr 16, 2014
111-09356 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge loco X class X 42 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-705 holds the up Mt Gambier goods train 9192, loaded grain rake on the right.Apr 16, 2014
111-08297 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge locos T class T 374 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-329 and T class 3?? shunt past ground disc signal 12 pulled off for the move, under semaphore signal post 13, X class X 42 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-705 is still on the up Mt Gambier goods train 9192 at the far right.Apr 16, 2014
111-07303 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge locos T class T 374 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-329 and T class 3?? are cutting off from X class X 42 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-705 on the up Mt Gambier goods train 9192, loaded grain rake at right.Apr 16, 2014
111-06308 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge locos T class T 374 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-329, T class 3?? and X class X 42 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-705, up Mt Gambier goods train 9192, 2nd person cutting off the two T class, loaded grain rake on the right.Apr 16, 2014
111-05290 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge locos T class T 374 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 64-329, T class 3?? and X class X 42 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-705 arrive with the up Mt Gambier goods train 9192, semaphore signal post 13 and ground dwarf disc signals 12 and 14 face away from the camera, loaded grain rake on the right.Apr 16, 2014
111-04705 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line broad gauge locos N class N 461 'City of Ararat' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1190 and X class X 47 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-794 head down the grain loop line, signal box, semaphore signal post, the line in the foreground is the Loop Line to Melbourne.Apr 16, 2014
111-03312 viewsNorth Geelong C Box, V/Line broad gauge locos N class N 461 'City of Ararat' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1190 and X class X 47 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-794 pick up the electric staff for the grain loop, signaller on the staff exchange platform, signal box, ground dwarf disc signal, semaphore signal posts.Apr 16, 2014
111-02325 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge locos N class N 461 'City of Ararat' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1190 and X class X 47 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-794 with a loaded grain rake pump up the air, another loaded grain rake on the right, off focus.Apr 16, 2014
111-00419 viewsGheringhap station platform view, safeworking, electric staff exchange with V/Line broad gauge down grain train 9125 behind G class locos G 524 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1237 and G 528, driver swaps the electric staves with the signaller to continue towards Ballarat.Apr 16, 2014
111-01335 viewsNorth Geelong grain arrivals yard, V/Line broad gauge locos N class N 461 'City of Ararat' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1190 and X class X 47 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-794 with a loaded grain rake, semaphore signal post 13 and ground dwarf disc signal 12 and 14 with another loaded grain rake.Apr 16, 2014
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