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Last additions - 0184
184-05166 viewsAlbury station yard, broad gauge road on the west side of the yard, through standard gauge running lines on the right, roof detail of V/Line VTQF type bogie fuel tank waggons VTQF 120 and VTQF 122, goods shed behind, standard gauge track on right, on the left it used to have a broad gauge connection. Both waggons built new at Newport Workshops as OT type tank waggons in May and March 1929, both to TWF in October 1961, then 120 recoded to VTQY in September 1979 and 122 to VTQY in April 1980, then in 1987/88 VTQY were recoded to VTQF.May 04, 2014
184-04166 viewsAlbury station yard, broad gauge roads on the west side of the yard, through standard gauge running lines behind, V/Line VTQF type bogie fuel tank waggons VTQF 120 and VTQF 122. Both waggons built new at Newport Workshops as OT type tank waggons in May and March 1929, both to TWF in October 1961, then 120 recoded to VTQY in September 1979 and 122 to VTQY in April 1980, then in 1987/88 VTQY were recoded to VTQF.May 04, 2014
184-03158 viewsAlbury station yard, standard gauge NSWSRA 81 class 8161 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 84-1080 in candy livery leads a special 'Phantom of the Opera' passenger train bound for Sydney, trailing view, the old Dalgety's building is at left.May 04, 2014
184-02160 viewsAlbury station yard, standard gauge NSWSRA 81 class 8161 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 84-1080 in candy livery leads a special 'Phantom of the Opera' passenger train bound for Sydney past 2 lever ground frame H.May 04, 2014
184-00172 viewsAlbury loco depot, view across yard, NSWSRA standard gauge candy liveried 48 class yard shunt loco 48107 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3420-22, shunters float, semaphore signal, point lever, side view.May 04, 2014
184-01199 viewsAlbury loco depot fuel point, V/Line standard gauge locos lined up awaiting the Sunday run of goods trains back to Melbourne, G class G 527 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1257, C class C 503 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-826 and G classes G 520 serial 85-1233 and partly obscured G 525 serial 86-1238, semaphore signal and rear of fuel point, view across yard, point rodding.May 04, 2014
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