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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - non iron ore > 0195

Last additions - 0195
195-37279 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, view of primary crushing building, shows metal slide chute from upper lever were the waggons are emptied, top building is the underground offices, change rooms etc.May 21, 2014
195-36249 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, view of primary crushing building, shows conveyor housing and silo structure with piping and a steep stair walkway from the lower levels to the crushing shed.May 21, 2014
195-35248 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, overview from the crusher level, looking down on the holding bin/silo and drier and milling plant.May 21, 2014
195-34259 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, overview from the drier level looking down on the mills and dust collectors.May 21, 2014
195-33243 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, view of the drier.May 21, 2014
195-32270 viewsWittenoom, West Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mine, remains of a building on the adit level adjacent to no. 30.May 21, 2014
195-31266 viewsWittenoom, West Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mine, sealed up underground drive adit or entry no. 30, shows area where seams have been cut out from the rock face.May 21, 2014
195-30271 viewsWittenoom, West Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mine, sealed up underground drive adits or entry points 27, 28 and 29, shows tramway tracks and points for entry into adit 29, entries have been sealed closed.May 21, 2014
195-29224 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, view of mine adits above the tailings in the west wall of the gorge.May 21, 2014
195-28227 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, view of tailings which weather has eroded over the roads, direction sign to Drier Level still visible.May 21, 2014
195-27236 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, view looking up past the drier level with the crusher building at the top.May 21, 2014
195-26241 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, view of the bottom section of the mill, various components can be seen including dust collecting plant, silos and the mills.May 21, 2014
195-25209 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, sign shows CSR Australian Blue Asbestos Pty Ltd Colonial Mill.May 21, 2014
195-24237 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, view inside part of the bagging plant within the mill, near the truck loading area, JCB backhoe can be seen behind conveyor.May 21, 2014
195-23239 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill, view of the gates on the warehouse fenced yard.May 21, 2014
195-22207 viewsWittenoom, view from above the Devil's Staircase of Colonial Mill and Mine with piles of tailings, milling site overview, looking south, railway workshops and underground offices are the higher buildings, then the primary crushing shed, holding silo, down to the mill and then the bag house and associated sheds, tailings line the gorge side.May 21, 2014
195-21228 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view of the former market garden area and house remains, viewed from the cat walk on the western wall of the gorge.May 21, 2014
195-20275 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view looking north along Joffre Creek, the former market garden area is in the middle, with Bolitho Rd skirting the creek.May 21, 2014
195-19266 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view of the former market garden area and house remains, viewed from the cat walk on the western wall of the gorge.May 21, 2014
195-18290 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view looking south down the gorge, the Colonial Mine is on the right and not visible behind the rock. The former market garden area can be just seen at the bottom left of image as Bolitho Rd cuts through the middle.May 21, 2014
37 files on 2 page(s) 1

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