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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - non iron ore > 0195

Last additions - 0195
195-17319 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Australian Blue Asbestos or ABA Colonial Mill view of stores or warehouse building and fenced yard and the maintenance workshop shed.May 21, 2014
195-16324 viewsWittenoom, view from the Devil's Staircase of Colonial Mill and Mine with piles of tailings, milling site overview, looking south, railway workshops and underground offices are the higher buildings, then the primary crushing shed, holding silo, down to the mill and then the bag house and associated sheds, tailings line the gorge side.May 21, 2014
195-15338 viewsWittenoom, view from the Devil's Staircase of Colonial Mill and Mine with piles of tailings, the building and yard at the bottom of the frame is the warehouse or store and gated yard with the workshop being the larger of the two, the buildings at the top level are the locomotive and underground mining offices and workshops, with the crusher and milling and bagging plant using gravity to its advantage.May 21, 2014
195-14271 viewsWittenoom, Bee Gorge, view from top of cat walk looking south towards Karijini National Park.May 21, 2014
195-13277 viewsWittenoom, top of Bee Gorge looking north, Toyota HJ75 Landcruiser.May 21, 2014
195-12274 viewsWittenoom, top of Bee Gorge looking north, Toyota HJ75 Landcruiser.May 21, 2014
195-11254 viewsWittenoom, top of Bee Gorge, snappy gums and ant hills.May 21, 2014
195-10262 viewsWittenoom, top of Bee Gorge, snappy gums and ant hills.May 21, 2014
195-09272 viewsWittenoom, Bee Gorge, view from top of cat walk looking east, where cat walk joins the top of the range.May 21, 2014
195-08260 viewsWittenoom, Bee Gorge, view from top of cat walk looking north.May 21, 2014
195-07264 viewsWittenoom, Bee Gorge, view from top of cat walk looking south towards Karijini National Park.May 21, 2014
195-06287 viewsWittenoom, Bee Gorge, view from top of cat walk looking north, track can be made out in the bottom of gorge.May 21, 2014
195-05274 viewsGreat Northern Highway, oversize load of dump truck and dump body.May 21, 2014
195-04277 viewsGreat Northern Highway, oversize load of dump truck and dump body.May 21, 2014
195-03259 viewsGreat Northern Highway, oversize load of dump truck and dump body.May 21, 2014
195-01283 viewsMunjina, end of Roy Hill Road where it meets the Great Northern Highway, Toyota HJ75 Landcruiser, loaded up to the max, it has a 13 leaf spring pack on the rear, 9 on the front, PTO winch, in route to Wittenoom.May 21, 2014
195-02358 viewsMunjina, end of Roy Hill Road where it meets the Great Northern Highway, Toyota HJ75 Landcruiser, loaded up to the max, it has a 13 leaf spring pack on the rear, 9 on the front, PTO winch, in route to Wittenoom.May 21, 2014
37 files on 2 page(s) 2

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