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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - non iron ore > 0206

Last additions - 0206
206-37166 viewsThe dining area at 42 Kingsmill Street.Oct 01, 2014
206-35121 viewsPossibly a spaghetti sauce.Oct 01, 2014
206-36117 viewsThe fridge at 42 Kingsmill Street.Oct 01, 2014
206-34130 viewsPope Searle getting the hang of Windows.Oct 01, 2014
206-33129 viewsAn empty train on the Yarrie (former Goldsworthy) line with a string of Golynx ore waggons, built by Goninan WA to a Lynx Engineering design, and then the two types of the waggons from the Phelps Dodge Copper Mine, the ribbed units are built by Portec USA and the smooth ones built by Gunderson USA and finally the Tomlinson Steel WA built hopper waggons. All of these are belly dump waggons as opposed to the BHP fleet of rotary dump bodies.Oct 01, 2014
206-32157 viewsAn empty train on the Yarrie (former Goldsworthy) line with a string of Golynx ore waggons, built by Goninan WA to a Lynx Engineering design, and then the two types of the waggons from the Phelps Dodge Copper Mine, the ribbed units are built by Portec USA and the smooth ones built by Gunderson USA. All of these are belly dump waggons as opposed to the BHP fleet of rotary dump bodies.Oct 01, 2014
206-31203 viewsAn empty train on the Yarrie (former Goldsworthy) line behind BHP 5633 'Hephaestus' with a string of Golynx ore waggons, built by Goninan WA to a Lynx Engineering design, these are belly dump waggons as opposed to the BHP fleet of rotary dump bodies.Oct 01, 2014
206-30131 viewsAn empty train on the Yarrie (former Goldsworthy) line behind BHP 5633 'Hephaestus' built new in 1988 by Goninan as a GE CM39-8 model, serial 5831-12 / 88-082. The four CM39-8 units were upgraded to CM40-8 units following overhauls and finally scrapped in January 2016.Oct 01, 2014
206-29125 viewsAn empty train on the Yarrie (former Goldsworthy) line behind BHP 5633 'Hephaestus' built new in 1988 by Goninan as a GE CM39-8 model, serial 5831-12 / 88-082. The four CM39-8 units were upgraded to CM40-8 units following overhauls and finally scrapped in January 2016.Oct 01, 2014
206-28127 viewsAn empty train on the Yarrie (former Goldsworthy) line behind BHP 5633 'Hephaestus' built new in 1988 by Goninan as a GE CM39-8 model, serial 5831-12 / 88-082. The four CM39-8 units were upgraded to CM40-8 units following overhauls and finally scrapped in January 2016.Oct 01, 2014
206-27123 viewsAn empty train on the Yarrie (former Goldsworthy) line behind BHP 5633 'Hephaestus' built new in 1988 by Goninan as a GE CM39-8 model, serial 5831-12 / 88-082. The four CM39-8 units were upgraded to CM40-8 units following overhauls and finally scrapped in January 2016.Oct 01, 2014
206-26130 viewsAn empty train on the Yarrie (former Goldsworthy) line behind BHP 5633 'Hephaestus' built new in 1988 by Goninan as a GE CM39-8 model, serial 5831-12 / 88-082. The four CM39-8 units were upgraded to CM40-8 units following overhauls and finally scrapped in January 2016.Oct 01, 2014
206-25132 viewsThe signs for Telfer, along the same lines as the Woodie Woodie signs.Oct 01, 2014
206-24133 viewsThe signs for Telfer, along the same lines as the Woodie Woodie signs.Oct 01, 2014
206-23135 viewsToad yelling some sort of abuse to Pope, at Carawine Pool.Oct 01, 2014
206-22121 viewsWhere Carawine Creek joins the Oakover River.Oct 01, 2014
206-21106 viewsCarawine Pool at Carawine Gorge, looking north.Oct 01, 2014
206-20194 viewsThe western wall of Carawine Pool.Oct 01, 2014
206-19194 viewsThe western wall of Carawine Pool.Oct 01, 2014
206-18204 viewsThe western wall of Carawine Pool.Oct 01, 2014
37 files on 2 page(s) 1

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