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Last additions - Standard_Gauge_Waggons
070609 0198119 viewsMidland, ATGY 511 fuel tank waggon built by Tulloch Ltd NSW in 1970 for BP Oil with 512 as WJG types, 96,000 litres one compartment two domes.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0199122 viewsMidland, WTEY 4726 diesel fuel tank waggon, former NTAF in service for Caltex, former AMPOL tank, coded WTEF when arrived in WA in 1995.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0197115 viewsMidland, WTEY 4726 diesel fuel tank waggon, former NTAF in service for Caltex, former AMPOL tank, coded WTEF when arrived in WA in 1995.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0196126 viewsMidland, ATPY 593 fuel tank waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1976 as one of four WJP type for AMPOL, capacity of 80500 litres, here in Caltex service.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0195150 viewsMidland, ATKY 541 fuel tank waggon originally built for H C Sleigh (Golden Fleece) in 1975 by Tulloch Ltd NSW as WJK type. Capacity now of 73000 litres in service with Caltex.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0194130 viewsMidland, ATEY 4724 diesel fuel tank waggon in service for BP Oil, former NSW AMPOL NTAF tank, coded WTEY when arrived in WA.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0193127 viewsMidland, ATAY 14586 fuel tank waggon, one of a batch of eight built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1976 as JPA type tank waggon for furnace oil, converted to standard gauge and recoded WJPA in 1985, 82,000 litre capacity.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0192129 viewsMidland, ATEY 7317 diesel fuel tank waggon in service for BP Oil, former NSW AMPOL NTAF tank, coded WTEY when arrived in WA.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0191144 viewsMidland, ATEY 4728 ex NSW NTAF type tank waggon for AMPOL, recoded to WTEF when arrived in WA in 1995, then WTEY, in BP Oil service.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0190170 viewsMidland, ATUY type tank waggon ATUY 619 with 44.5 kL capacity, originally built by Tulloch Ltd NSW for COR which became BP as COR 252 (NTAF), then going to SAR as TOD 1430, then to WA as WJU 619.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0189128 viewsMidland, ATTY 30671 fuel tanker, class leader of five built by AE Goodwin NSW in 1970 as WST class, recoded to WSTY and then ATTY. 78600 litre capacity.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0188131 viewsMidland, AQCY 30335 container waggon, one of one hundred and sixty one units built by Tomlinson Steel WA in 1969-70 as WFX type, one of twenty five converted to narrow gauge in 1970 as QWF, then back to standard gauge in 1972 as WFX, then recoded to WQCX in 1979, with two Westrail COB type 20' tarp top containers COB 5832 and COB 5759 and a 20' 22G1 type CAI container.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0187149 viewsMidland, AZDY 30714, one of about fourteen WBAX vans converted to AZDY type sodium cyanide container waggon, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as one of seventy five WV/X type covered vans in 1967-68, converted late 1988/9 to WQDF.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0185138 viewsMidland, AZDY 30726, one of about fourteen WBAX vans converted to AZDY type sodium cyanide container waggon, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as one of seventy five WV/X type covered vans in 1967-68, converted late 1988/9 to WQDF.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0186135 viewsMidland, AZDY 30719, one of about fourteen WBAX vans converted to AZDY type sodium cyanide container waggon, originally built by WAGR Midland Workshops as one of seventy five WV/X type covered vans in 1967-68 and converted to VWV type for narrow gauge in 1967 and recoded back in 1968. Converted late 1988/9 to WQDF.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0184138 viewsMidland, AQCY 30239 container flat waggon built by Westrail Midland Workshops in 1974 part of a batch of forty five WFX type container flat waggons, in 1979 recoded to WQCX with two 30' CSBP tanktainers CPVU 010101 and CPVU 010099 for liquefied ammonia anhydrous.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0183187 viewsMidland, AQBY 30125 75' flat waggon, one of six built by Comeng NSW in 1970 as WFCX type flat waggon, recoded to WQBX in 1980. Loaded with two Westrail 20' COB type tarp top containers COB 5811 and COB 5829 and 20' ISO Tank Containers Australia tanktainer TCAU 121004 for ammonium nitrate emulsion.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0182134 viewsMidland, AQCY 30365 container waggon, one of one hundred and sixty one units built by Tomlinson Steel WA in 1969-70 as WFX type, recoded to WQCX in 1980, loaded with two Westrail COB type 20' tarp top containers COB 5717 and COB 5711 with 20' ISO Tank Containers Australia tanktainer TCAU 121003 for ammonium nitrate emulsion.Apr 17, 2015
070609 0181121 viewsMidland, a string of AQCY waggons with a wide variety of container loading.Apr 17, 2015
070608 0120139 viewsMidland, AZVY type departmental wheel set carrier waggon AZVY 2829, built by Transfield WA 1976 for Commonwealth Railways as one of two hundred GOX type open waggons. Recoded to AOOX, then in 1992 modified to AZVY.Apr 17, 2015
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