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Last additions - Standard_Gauge_Waggons
100611 031585 viewsMidland, AQHY 30005 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0029, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Apr 17, 2015
100611 031687 viewsMidland, AQHY 30109 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0053, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Apr 17, 2015
100611 031487 viewsMidland, AQHY 30060 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0032, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Apr 17, 2015
100611 031381 viewsMidland, AQHY 30035 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0033, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Apr 17, 2015
100611 031290 viewsMidland, AQHY 30071 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 005, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Apr 17, 2015
100611 031182 viewsMidland, AQHY 30039 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0071, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Apr 17, 2015
100611 031091 viewsMidland, AQHY 30045 with sulphuric acid tank CSA 0016, originally built by the WAGR Midland Workshops in 1964/66 at WF type flat waggons, then following several codes and modifications in 1997 seventy five were converted to WQH to carry CSA sulphuric acid tanks between Hampton/Kalgoorlie and Perth/Kwinana.Apr 17, 2015
100611 030980 viewsMidland, AOXY 33153, converted to carry nickel matte bulk bags, in WGL traffic. Built by WAGR Midland Workshops in 1969 as part of a batch of fifty eight WGX type open waggons, in 1981 to WOAX, then AOAY type.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1002080 viewsMidland, AQWY 30201 container flat waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops as the first in a batch of forty five WFX type container flats in 1974, recoded to WQCX in 1979. Loaded with two 20' 22G1 type containers Mediterranean Shipping MSCU 399918 and Gold GLDU 561499.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1001981 viewsMidland, AQWY 30415 container flat waggon built by Tomlinson Steel WA as WFX type in 1970 from a batch of one hundred and sixty one waggons, recoded in 1980 to WQCX type. Loaded with two 20' containers, Cronos 2210 type CRXU 276317 and Mediterranean Shipping 22G1 type MEDU 124686.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1001883 viewsMidland, AQWY 30213 container flat waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in a batch of forty five WFX type container flats in 1974, recoded to WQCX in 1980. Loaded with two 20' 22G1 type containers Gold GLDU 380590 and Mediterranean Shipping MEDU 170300.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1001780 viewsMidland, AQWY 30224 container flat waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in a batch of forty five WFX type container flats in 1974, recoded to WQCX in 1980. Loaded with two 20' Mediterranean Shipping 22G1 type containers MEDU 274598 and MSCU 339478.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1001676 viewsMidland, AQCY 30208 container flat waggon built by WAGR Midland Workshops in a batch of forty five WFX type container flats in 1974, recoded to WQCX in 1980. Loaded with two 20' Mediterranean Shipping 22G1 type containers MSCU 238948 and MEDU 121916.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1001581 viewsMidland, AQWY 30348 container flat waggon built by Tomlinson Steel WA as WFX type in 1970 from a batch of one hundred and sixty one waggons, to narrow gauge as QWF type in 1970, back to SG in 1972 as WFX, recoded in 1979 to WQCX type. Loaded with two 20' Mediterranean Shipping 22G1 type containers MSCU 672393 and MEDU 121561.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1001392 viewsMidland, AQAY 2273 skel container waggon, this orphan waggon started life as a Comeng Vic built open waggon type GOX for Commonwealth Railways in 1970, then coded AOOX. Under AWR ownership is was reduced to this 3 TEU unit container skeletal waggon. Loaded with two 20' 22G1 type containers for Mediterranean Shipping MSCU 618896 and Florens FSCU 732172.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1001493 viewsMidland, AQWY 30359 container waggon originally one of one hundred and sixty one built by Tomlinson Steel in 1970 as WFX type, to WQCX in 1980. Loaded with two 20' 22G1 type containers for Triton TTNU 368943 and Mediterranean Shipping MEDU 106868.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1001283 viewsMidland, AQWY 30412 container waggon originally one of one hundred and sixty one built by Tomlinson Steel in 1970 as WFX type, to WQCX in 1989, to WQA in 1995 and WQTY in c1996. Loaded with two 20' containers for Mediterranean Shipping MEDU 196173 type 22G1 and Triton TRIU 155955 a type 2210.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1001196 viewsMidland, ATKY 515 fuel tank waggon built by Tulloch Ltd NSW in 1971 along with sister 516 for BP Oil as WJK type 93,000 litres three compartment three domes, current capacity is probably 80500 litres in line with the rest of the fleet.Apr 17, 2015
100609 10010102 viewsMidland, ATDY 4723 diesel fuel tank waggon, former NTAF in service for BP Oil, former AMPOL tank, coded WTDY when arrived in WA.Apr 17, 2015
100609 1000981 viewsMidland, ATEY 4724 diesel fuel tank waggon in service for BP Oil, former NSW AMPOL NTAF tank, coded WTEY when arrived in WA.Apr 17, 2015
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