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Home > Pilbara negative and digital Albums - non iron ore > 0237

Last additions - 0237
237-17232 viewsPilga Station ruins and old buildings. Geodata .Apr 03, 2016
237-16226 viewsJust south of Pilga and the old Cooglegong Mine is this rusting hulk of a Ruston Bucyrus shovel, possibly an RB10, serial RB21269. Geodata .Apr 03, 2016
237-15223 viewsJust south of Pilga and the old Cooglegong Mine is this rusting hulk of a Ruston Bucyrus shovel, possibly an RB10, serial RB21269. Geodata .Apr 03, 2016
237-14226 viewsJust south of Pilga and the old Cooglegong Mine is this rusting hulk of a Ruston Bucyrus shovel, possibly an RB10, serial RB21269. Geodata .Apr 03, 2016
237-13217 viewsJust south of Pilga and the old Cooglegong Mine is this rusting hulk of a Ruston Bucyrus shovel, possibly an RB10, serial RB21269. Geodata .Apr 03, 2016
237-12254 viewsJust south of Pilga and the old Cooglegong Mine is this rusting hulk of a Ruston Bucyrus shovel, possibly an RB10, serial RB21269. Geodata .Apr 03, 2016
237-11212 viewsA lunch break on the bank of the Shaw River, just north of where the Shaw Patch Creek joins the Shaw River. Geodata .Apr 03, 2016
237-10233 viewsA lunch break on the bank of the Shaw River, just north of where the Shaw Patch Creek joins the Shaw River. Geodata .Apr 03, 2016
237-09226 viewsA lunch break on the bank of the Shaw River, just north of where the Shaw Patch Creek joins the Shaw River. Geodata .Apr 03, 2016
237-08236 viewsA lunch break on the bank of the Shaw River, just north of where the Shaw Patch Creek joins the Shaw River. Geodata .Apr 03, 2016
237-07277 viewsSign at the turn off to Western Shaw Mining Area at Tambourah on the Hillside - Woodstock Road. 12th Feb, 2003. Geo Data Apr 03, 2016
237-05278 viewsSign at the turn off to Western Shaw Mining Area at Tambourah on the Hillside - Woodstock Road. You get the idea, if you can't understand it you probably shouldn't be out here. 12th Feb, 2003. Geo Data Apr 03, 2016
237-06228 viewsSign at the turn off to Western Shaw Mining Area at Tambourah on the Hillside - Woodstock Road. 12th Feb, 2003. Geo Data Apr 03, 2016
237-04234 viewsWater damaged culverts located on the upper reaches of the Edgina Creek, near the Woodstock South location on the BHP Newman line. Geo Data .Apr 03, 2016
237-03227 viewsWater damaged culverts located on the upper reaches of the Edgina Creek, near the Woodstock South location on the BHP Newman line. Geo Data .Apr 03, 2016
237-02248 viewsWater damaged culverts located on the upper reaches of the Edgina Creek, near the Woodstock South location on the BHP Newman line. Geo Data .Apr 03, 2016
237-01243 viewsWater damaged culverts located on the upper reaches of the Edgina Creek, near the Woodstock South location on the BHP Newman line. Geo Data .Apr 03, 2016
37 files on 2 page(s) 2

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