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170-25157 viewsRutherglen, view across yard, Williamstown style silo complex with steel annex, load-out spouts, silo has been configured for loading road vehicles.Apr 17, 2014

170-24103 viewsRutherglen, Victorian Railways portable station building, station building is located to the right of this and under the care of the local Lions.Apr 17, 2014

170-23186 viewsBenalla, V/Line broad gauge VTBA type bogie bitumen tank waggon VTBA 438 in the sidings near the CRB or Country Roads Board depot. Was one of five built by Tulloch NSW Ltd in 1956 for COR as a TW type, modified by Fleet Forge for bitumen in 1967. VR diagram TW-36.Apr 17, 2014

170-22117 viewsBenalla, rationalised yard view looking north, shows the No.2 Road, or former mainline now set for the Oaklands line with new interlocking and points installed, mainline from Wodonga is set for No.1 Road on the right, on the right is the former loco depot area.Apr 17, 2014

170-21113 viewsBenalla,, rationalised yard view looking north, shows the once magnificent signal gantry and interlocking being stripped out of this once fully interlocked yard, with two signal boxes and a full roundhouse and waggon repair shops.Apr 17, 2014

170-20147 viewsGoorambat, yard view looking towards Benalla, super phosphate sheds with a Victorian Oat Pool shed beyond them.Apr 17, 2014

170-19140 viewsGoorambat station yard overview looking from platform, Williamstown style silo complex with steel annex and an Ascom style silo complex as another annex at the back, also beside the silos is a Grain Elevators Board H style horizontal bunker.Apr 17, 2014

170-18161 viewsGoorambat, rear view of station building from car park, view across yard of Ascom and Williamstown style silo complexes.Apr 17, 2014

170-17127 viewsGoorambat, track view of Williamstown style silo complex load-out spouts, steel annex silos beside and behind.Apr 17, 2014

170-16140 viewsDevenish, track view of low level rail bridge on the southern end of station yard.Apr 17, 2014

170-15134 viewsDevenish, track view of low level rail bridge on the southern end of station yard.Apr 17, 2014

170-14142 viewsDevenish station yard overview looking north towards Oaklands, Victorian Oat Pool horizontal bunker, Williamstown style silo complex in the distance.Apr 17, 2014

170-13143 viewsDevenish yard overview looking towards Oaklands, Williamstown style silo complex with steel annex, load-out spouts, 1988 Ford XF Falcon ute.Apr 17, 2014

170-12130 viewsDevenish, load-out spouts on Williamstown style silo complex, track view, 1988 Ford XF Falcon ute.Apr 17, 2014

170-11133 viewsSt James station yard overview, looking south towards Benalla, Williamstown style silo complex with an Ascom style complex behind it, goods platform in the distance, radio mast stand at former station platform site on the right.Apr 17, 2014

170-10141 viewsSt James, load-out spout on Williamstown style silo complex.Apr 17, 2014

170-09164 viewsSt James, yard view looking north to Oaklands, mainline with silo siding on the right.Apr 17, 2014

170-08163 viewsSt James, track view across yard to Williamstown style silo complex, load-out spout, steel complex on the right, looking from former station platform.Apr 17, 2014

170-07405 viewsDookie, track view looking towards Shepparton, west, along the mainline, crossover to silos and gravitational road on the left, GEB sub-terminal silo complex visible on the right.Apr 17, 2014

170-06190 viewsDookie, track view from former platform, elevation of Williamstown style silo complex with steel annex, load-out spouts, weighbridge hut in the background to the right of silos.Apr 17, 2014