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060417 3528549 viewsNelson Point Yard, still relatively new Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC unit 4305 serial 20038540-006 'Coonarie' under lights awaits it next job on the evening 17th April 2006.Mar 19, 2018

051022 5918r633 viewsNelson Point the consignment note for BHP Billiton Electro-Motive built SD70ACe/LC loco 4311 serial 20038540-012, Electro-Motive order number C540. 22nd October 2005.Feb 05, 2018

051022 5797r591 viewsPort Hedland port, BHP Billiton's first Electro-Motive SD70ACe to be off loaded in Australia 4311 serial 20038540-012 under tarp seen leaving the port en route to Nelson Point for unloading onto the rails 22nd October 2005.Feb 05, 2018

090121 0986r740 viewsBoodarie Workshop BHP Billiton EMD built SD70ACe/LC (first order) 4302 'Mooka' serial 20038540-002 and built by Electro-Motive in London Ontario watches on with Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5656 as units from the forth order of SD70ACe/LC units get commissioned by EDI personal. Units in view are (L to R) 4337, 4338, 4335, 4340, 4346 and 4339 21st January 2009.Feb 05, 2018

120307 0074 brian marsh1130 viewsThe first BHP Billiton Progress Rail built SD70ACe unit at Muncie USA. Note the lack of nose grab irons, the unit also has two new EMD type roof mounted antennas, a larger antenna at the rear, no grabs on the rear, no grabs behind the inverter area and has additional access openings in the side railing, just a few details of note. Window protectors have not yet been installed and step well guards will be installed in Australia.
Photo by Brian Marsh, Overland Models, Inc.Feb 05, 2018

041016 170918r743 viewsNelson Point Car Dumper 3 roads BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5635 'Pippingarra' serial 8151-09 / 91-121 leads EMD SD40-2 3081 and SD40R 3089 awaiting their turn to spot through dumper 3 16th October 2004.Feb 05, 2018

040530 150318r832 viewsNelson Point Car Dumper 2 holding roads, BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M units 5642 'Wallareenya' serial 8281-07 / 92-131, 5669 'Beilun' serial 8412-02 / 95-160 and 5659 'Kobe' serial 8412-04 / 94-150 show some of the differences amongst the rebuild, 42 was a Goodwin built C636 ALCo and 59 was also build by Goodwin but an M636 hence both round tanks while 69 was a Comeng built M636 with a larger fuel tank. 30th May 2004.Feb 02, 2018

030720 160654r2667 viewsNelson Point Loco Service Shop, BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5639 'Corunna Downs' serial 8281-03 / 92-128 sits in the afternoon Pilbara sun displaying its brand new colours, painting only finished on it this day and about ten minutes after these photos where taken the unit was back in service! Sunday 20th July 2003.Feb 02, 2018

040806 091254r662 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8MEFI 5666 'Taranto' serial 8412-11 / 94-157, was the first unit fitted with Electronic Fuel Injection to the 16FDL engine hence the EFI on the model designation, is in charge of the Weighbridge Calibration train which is situated in the middle of the switches at the Goldsworthy Junction. 5666 will do several trips back and forward over the weighbridge at various speed to allow the technicians to calibrate it as well as having to clear the mainline for loaded and empty train movements. 0915 hrs 6th August 2004.Feb 02, 2018

030726 121315r924 viewsNelson Point Loco Overhaul Workshop sees BHP Billiton Goninan GE build CM39-8 unit 5632 'Poseidon' serial 5831-11 / 88-081 as it waits for a new engine. Although this was the first unit painted, sister loco 5639 saw the first mainline working of the new scheme to Yandi. This shot was taken on Saturday 26th July 2003.Feb 02, 2018

040802 141058r586 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP Billiton Goninan GE built CM39-8 5632 'Poseidon' serial 5831-11 / 88-081 in charge of the 'Recycle Rake' is traversing the Transfer Road, this train conveys ore from Nelson Point to Finucane Island, sometimes twice a day. The line to the right is the line to the Junction, Yarrie and Bing. 1410 hrs 2nd August 2004.Feb 02, 2018

040801 172236r657 viewsBoodarie, 5631 'Apollo' serial 5831-10 / 88-080 leading a loaded Yarrie train thunders around the curve between Boodarie Yard and Finucane Island bound for the FI rotary dumper at 1722 hrs 1st August 2004.Feb 02, 2018

041001 152919r724 viewsRedbank Bridge, BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5650 'Yawata' serial 8412-07 / 93-141 notches back up into power as it passes the examiner doing his 'roll by' entering Nelson Point yard as a Doug Gould road train passes over the top. A very rare shot indeed! 1530 hrs 1st October 2004.Feb 02, 2018

040817 194500r753 viewsNelson Point, BHP Billiton Goninan GE CM39-8 unit 5630 'Zeus' serial 5831-09 / 88-079 class leader of a batch of four new built units, 5630 ended up travelling 4,940,000 km when retired. Here it idles away next to TSB 2 building awaiting a path out of Nelson Point yard with the 'Recycle Rake' bound for the dumper at Finucane Island 1945 hrs 17th August 2004.Feb 02, 2018

050101 170643r829 viewsGillam Siding BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5637 'De Grey' serial 8181-01 / 92-123 leading a pair of EMD SD40R units 3087 and 3091 comes to a stand under the control of driver Jacka Cale behind another train already holding the main and an empty taking the passing track. Double crosses were not that uncommon during this era. 1st January 2005.Feb 02, 2018

060415 3450r675 viewsNelson Point yard, BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5659 'Kobe' serial 8412-04 / 94-150 with a rake of loaded 100 kL fuel waggons waiting access to shunt for the evening departure and Yard Pilots EMD SD40 units 3080 and 3091 15th April 2006.Feb 02, 2018

060714 6685r664 viewsBing Siding finds BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M locomotive 5654 'Kashima' serial 8412-11 / 93-145 as it shunts the steel (rail) train 14th July 2006.Feb 02, 2018

060714 6721r592 viewsHesta, 226 km sees BHP Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M 5657 'Fukuyama' serial 8412-02 / 94-148 with EMD SD40-2 3081 and SD40R 3089 as they struggle upgrade with a loaded Yandi train, mid-train remote units visible are a pair of EMD SD70ACe/LC locos 4302 and 4311 14th July 2006.Feb 02, 2018

081217 0448r626 viewsWoodstock Siding BHP Goninan GE rebuild and former cab-less CM40-8ML unit 5665 'Rotterdam' serial 8412-10 / 94-156 runs along the mainline with the rail or steel train under the FMG flyover. It is not uncommon to see long hood leading units on BHP work trains. 17th December 2008.Feb 02, 2018

080621 2703r714 viewsTabba Siding, BHP Billiton Goninan GE rebuild CM40-8M unit 5637 'De Grey' serial 8181-01 / 92-123 leads EMD SD70ACe/LC unit 4312 'Mindy' serial 20038540-013 with a loaded train from Mount Whaleback with the FMG line visible on the right 21st June 2008.Feb 02, 2018
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