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040807 185900r548 viewsNelson Point BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3093 serial 31498 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8417 waits on a road float to be lifted onto rails the following day 7th August 2004.Jan 25, 2018
040807 112646r635 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3095 serial 33677 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8485 being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage on a 168 wheel float as it turns into Gate 9 for Nelson Point 7th August 2004.Jan 25, 2018
040807 184612r637 viewsNelson Point, BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3093 serial 33679 and originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8487 sits at the hard stand having been delivered earlier in the day 7th August 2004.Jan 25, 2018
040807 112612r569 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, BHP Billiton EMD SD40R unit 3095 serial 33677 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8485 being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage on a 168 wheel float 7th August 2004.Jan 25, 2018
040807 082350r599 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, EMD SD40R unit 3097 serial 31569 and originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8409 is the final member of the SD40 units and is being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage 168 wheel float into BHP Nelson Point via Gate 9 7th August 2004.Jan 25, 2018
040807 082023r574 viewsPort Hedland, Gilbert Street, EMD SD40R unit 3097 serial 31569 and originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8409 is the final member of the SD40 units and is being road delivered by Kingston Heavy Haulage 7th August 2004.Jan 25, 2018
040806 185922r516 viewsNelson Point, the first of the last! EMD SD40R unit 3096 serial 31510 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8429 the first SD40R unloaded out of the final batch sits at the hardstand awaiting pick-up 6th August 2004.Jan 25, 2018
040806 185209r609 viewsNelson Point, the first of the last! EMD SD40R unit 3096 serial 31510 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8429 the first SD40R unloaded out of the final batch sits at the hardstand awaiting pick-up 6th August 2004.Jan 25, 2018
040403 103310r878 viewsNelson Point, Car Dumper 3, BHP GE AC6000 6071 'Chichester' serial 51063 and SD40-2 unit 3083 serial 786170-2 originally Union Pacific UP 3500 push the empty rake towards the south yard in a method called the 'Pull-Push' style of spotting and clearing rakes 3rd April 2004.Jan 25, 2018
040127 163743r891 viewsNelson Point, SD40-2 loco 3085 serial 786170-25 originally Union Pacific unit UP 3523 stands out the front of the Locomotive Overhaul Shop, awaiting repairs 27th January 2004.Jan 25, 2018
031119 165830r1005 viewsNelson Point, Ex Southern Pacific SD40T-2 loco 8335 serial 786175-9 built in April 1979 and retired by Union Pacific 23rd May 2001, this unit was purchased as a spares source for the other SD40 style units. The T signifies that it is a Tunnel motor with a modified radiator intake to allow 'cool' running through the Sierra Nevada tunnels. And the 'M' with a lighting rod through it meant that it was a master unit for radio controlled helpers, used in the Tehachapi mountains. 19th November 2003.Jan 25, 2018
031109 140045r872 viewsNelson Point, the first actual EMD SD40 model locomotive to arrive in Australia GECX 6415 serial 31542 frame 7861-52 built April 1966 for Southern Pacific as SP 8461 and still wearing previous owner IC & E blue and / yellow livery with 'fire cracker' aerial waits patiently on the back of a Brambles heavy-haul float with the tarp due to some quarantine issues and an officer from AQIS was in attendance as foreign soil had been found 9th November 2003.Jan 25, 2018
040811 173538r443 viewsGoldsworthy Junction BHP GE AC6000 6077 'Nimingarra' serial 51069 and EMD SD40-2 3085 serial 786170-25 formally Union Pacific UP 3523 are in charge of an empty train at signal TR13 (transfer road switch, Goldsworthy Junction) mid-train units can just be seen in frame 11th August 2004.Jan 23, 2018
040810 171258r439 viewsAt the 76 km grade crossing BHP Billiton GE AC6000 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial 51068 leads an all bubble paint quin consist on the main with EMD SD40R 3091 serial 31496 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8415 and mid train units CM40-8M 5636 leading newly delivered SD40R units 3095 and 3096. This crossing has been moved since Tabba Siding was built in this location. 10th August 2004.Jan 23, 2018
040810 165626r471 viewsGillam Siding BHP Billiton GE AC6000 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial 51068 leads an all bubble paint quin consist on the main with EMD SD40R 3091 serial 31496 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8415 and mid-train units CM40-8M 5636 leading newly delivered SD40R units 3095 and 3096 as they cross an empty headed up by GE AC6000 6077 'Nimingarra' serial 51069 and EMD SD40-2 3085 serial 786170-25 and originally Union Pacific UP 3523. 10th August 2004.Jan 23, 2018
040810 162642r482 viewsAbydos Siding, BHP Billiton GE AC6000 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial 51068 leads an all bubble paint quin consist on the main with EMD SD40R 3091 serial 31496 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8415 and mid train units CM40-8M 5636 leading newly delivered SD40R units 3095 and 3096 10th August 2004.Jan 23, 2018
040810 150446r550 viewsShaw Siding, BHP Billiton GE AC6000 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial 51068 leads an all bubble paint quin consist on the main with EMD SD40R 3091 serial 31496 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8415 and mid train units CM40-8M 5636 leading newly delivered SD40R units 3095 and 3096 10th August 2004.Jan 23, 2018
040803 142716r653 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, BHP Billiton GE AC6000 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial 51068 leads EMD SD40R 3091 serial 31496 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8415 at signal TR13 (transfer road switch, Goldsworthy Junction) with an empty train 3rd August, 2004.Jan 23, 2018
040807 024920r527 viewsNelson Point, BHP GE AC6000 6077 'Nimingarra' serial 51069 idles away 0250 hrs on the loco spur near the South Yard Loco Prep facility 7th August 2004.Jan 23, 2018
040508 113001r606 viewsMooka Siding, BHP Billiton GE AC6000 6075 'Newman' serial 51067 and EMD SD40-2 3082 serial 786263-31 originally Union Pacific UP 3639 split the north end departure signals with a 300 waggon loaded train, the first pair of mid-train units 5633-5663 are visible, trailing are 5658-5631 and end of the train can be seen on the right. 8th May 2004.Jan 23, 2018
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