Last additions - 0173 |

173-23138 viewsMurchison East, rear view of station building looking north, shows bus stop sign, gas cylinders and both Ascom and Ascom Jumbo style silos complexes.Apr 17, 2014

173-22135 viewsMurchison East, station goods shed with V/Line Brute trolley besides it, taken from station car park.Apr 17, 2014

173-21143 viewsMurchison East, station yard overview looking north, goods shed and station building and platform, track machines, and horizontal grain bin with Murphy, with steel annex, and Ascom Jumbo style silo complexes.Apr 17, 2014

173-20142 viewsMurchison East, yard overview looking south, point levers and points, track work, taken from the gravitation road, Railway Hotel at left, mainline showing signs of recent works.Apr 17, 2014

173-19141 viewsMurchison East, Grain Elevators Board truck sampling station, taken from weighbridge.Apr 17, 2014

173-18132 viewsMurchison East, modern road vehicle weighbridge with portable cabin and traffic lights for weighing of in-bound grain receivals, station building and goods shed behind.Apr 17, 2014

173-17135 viewsMurchison East, yard view looking south, Ascom Jumbo style silos complex with train load-out spout and surge bin, then Ascom and Murphy style complexes to the right, Railway Hotel and track machines just visible in the distance.Apr 17, 2014

173-16128 viewsMurchison East, yard overview looking south, point levers, Ascom silo complex load-out spout with Murphy style silos and spout, Railway Hotel, track machines and the station platform and building.Apr 17, 2014

173-15146 viewsMurchison East, station building and platform overview looking south towards Melbourne, ablution block, fire hose cabinet, station building with a number of brick chimneys.Apr 17, 2014

173-14144 viewsMurchison East, V/Line station sign, 'Change here for bus connection to...', north end of station building with brick chimney.Apr 17, 2014

173-13148 viewsMurchison East, station building and platform view looking towards Melbourne, staff exchange box is visible on the wall.Apr 17, 2014

173-12152 viewsMurchison East, station platform, staff exchange box, mounted above staff box on station wall.Apr 17, 2014

173-11145 viewsMurchison East, station platform, staff exchange box and staff storage box for when station is unattended, fitted to the side of the station building.Apr 17, 2014

173-10153 viewsMurchison East, V/Line broad gauge track machine, asset no. 6-57-003, which is a Tamper CSC-2 crib and shoulder compactor.Apr 17, 2014

173-09149 viewsMurchison East, V/Line broad gauge track machine, asset no. 6-52-021, which is a Plasser 08-16B track tamper, silo complex and horizontal grain bin behind machine.Apr 17, 2014

173-08152 viewsMurchison East, V/Line broad gauge track machine, asset no. 6-54-018, which is a Tamper BE VR ballast regulator.Apr 17, 2014

173-07147 viewsMurchison East, yard view from station platform looking at V/Line broad gauge track machines, a Plasser track tamper, Tamper sleeper consolidator and a Tamper ballast regulator, the Railway Hotel in the distance.Apr 17, 2014

173-06138 viewsMurchison East, yard overview looking north from station platform, super phosphate of horizontal grain bunker on right, Murphy style silo complex with steel annex, Ascom style silo complex behind that and an Ascom Jumbo style silo complex at the rear.Apr 17, 2014