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190109 1563115 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00219 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-219 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.Feb 22, 2019

190109 1564109 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00220 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-220 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.Feb 22, 2019

190109 1562118 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00174 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-174 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.Feb 22, 2019

190109 1561113 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00173 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-173 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.Feb 22, 2019

190109 1560141 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 001 'Minres Express' with serial R-0113-03/14-504 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi model locomotive, one of 6 built in 2014.Feb 22, 2019

190109 1559123 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with Pacific National's NR class loco NR 80 with serial 7250-03 / 97-282 a Goninan Bassendean WA built GE model Cv40-9i model locomotive originally built for National Rail Corporation 1997.Feb 22, 2019

190109 1558140 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL 005 'Carina Flyer' with serial number R-0113-05/14-508 and is a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE C44ACi model locomotive, one of six such units built for Mineral Resources in 2014.Feb 22, 2019

190109 1556110 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL 005 'Carina Flyer' with serial number R-0113-05/14-508 and is a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE C44ACi model locomotive, one of six such units built for Mineral Resources in 2014.Feb 22, 2019

190109 1552127 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL 005 'Carina Flyer' with serial number R-0113-05/14-508 and is a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE C44ACi model locomotive, one of six such units built for Mineral Resources in 2014.Feb 22, 2019

190109 1554106 viewsBinduli, Mineral Resources Ltd empty iron ore train 4030 with MRL 005 'Carina Flyer' with serial number R-0113-05/14-508 and is a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE C44ACi model locomotive, one of six such units built for Mineral Resources in 2014.Feb 22, 2019

190107 0660115 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 006 'Merredin Express' with serial R-0113-05/14-509 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi model locomotive built in 2014 with 4354 horsepower.Feb 07, 2019

190107 0654119 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 006 'Merredin Express' with serial R-0113-05/14-509 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi model locomotive built in 2014 with 4354 horsepower.Feb 07, 2019

190107 0655119 viewsWest Kalgoorlie with Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 002 'Spirit of Yilgarn' with serial R-0113-03/14-505 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi on the combined empty fuel and hopper transfer to Esperance.Feb 07, 2019

190107 0653122 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, radiator end view of Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 002 'Spirit of Yilgarn' with serial R-0113-03/14-505 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi model locomotive.Feb 07, 2019

190107 0652118 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, radiator end view of Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 002 'Spirit of Yilgarn' with serial R-0113-03/14-505 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi model locomotive.Feb 07, 2019

190107 0651127 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 002 'Spirit of Yilgarn' with serial R-0113-03/14-505 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi model locomotive sits on a rake of fuel waggons awaiting its' transfer run to Esperance on the overnight fuel train.Feb 07, 2019

190107 0650123 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, Mineral Resources MRL class loco MRL 002 'Spirit of Yilgarn' with serial R-0113-03/14-505 a UGL Rail Broadmeadow NSW built GE model C44ACi model locomotive sits on a rake of fuel waggons awaiting its' transfer run to Esperance on the overnight fuel train.Feb 07, 2019

190107 0643101 viewsBinduli, on empty Mineral Resources Ltd iron ore train service from Esperance to Koolyanobbing 2034 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00031 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-31 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.Feb 07, 2019

190107 0642100 viewsBinduli, on empty Mineral Resources Ltd iron ore train service from Esperance to Koolyanobbing 2034 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00032 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-32 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.Feb 07, 2019

190107 0641103 viewsBinduli, on empty Mineral Resources Ltd iron ore train service from Esperance to Koolyanobbing 2034 with MRL's MHPY type iron ore waggon MHPY 00190 built by CSR Yangtze Co China serial 2014/382-190 in 2014 as a batch of 382 units, these bottom discharge hopper waggons are operated in 'married' pairs.Feb 07, 2019
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