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040809 162852r496 viewsNelson Point, BHP GE AC6000 6075 'Newman' serial 51067 and EMD SD40R 3090 serial 33680 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8488 depart the yard with the 1630 hrs departure on 9th August 2004. The mid-train units 5660 and 5656 can be just seen in picture.Jan 23, 2018

040810 133232r490 viewsShaw Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40R 3088 serial 31513 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8432 with a loaded pass a victim of the cow plough 10th August 2004.Jan 22, 2018

040810 134944r412 viewsGarden Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40R 3088 serial 31513 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8432 with a loaded train is in full dynamic with air brake applied to keeps the train under control down the 1 in 40 grade between Shaw and Garden here at the Garden South arrival signal 10th August 2004.Jan 22, 2018

040810 125600r421 viewsHesta Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40R 3088 serial 31513 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8432 with a loaded train powering upgrade 10th August 2004.Jan 22, 2018

040810 130942r436 viewsThe 226 km between Hesta and Shaw sidings, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40R 3088 serial 31513 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8432 with a loaded train powering upgrade 10th August 2004.Jan 22, 2018

040810 123248r452 viewsCowra Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40R 3088 serial 31513 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8432 with a loaded train through the mainline at the newly reinstated siding of Cowra, located at the 249 km 10th August 2004.Jan 22, 2018

040502 091608r633 viewsBing Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6074 'Kalgan' serial 51066 leading EMD SD40-2 3084 serial 786263-35 originally Union Pacific UP 3643 at the 15.4 km grade crossing with a loaded Yandi train 2nd May 2004.Jan 22, 2018

040817 011826r513 viewsNelson Point, Wheel Lathe, BHP GE AC6000 unit 6073 'Fortescue' serial 51065 wait collection following a wheel turn. 17th August 2004.Jan 22, 2018

040817 011436r515 viewsNelson Point, Wheel Lathe, BHP GE AC6000 unit 6073 'Fortescue' serial 51065 wait collection following a wheel turn. 17th August 2004.Jan 22, 2018

040807 025404r532 viewsNelson Point, BHP's South Yard Locomotive Prep Shed holds GE AC6000 units 6073 'Fortescue' serial 51065 and 6075 'Newman' serial 51067 with Goninan rebuild CM40-8M unit 5648 'Kwangyang Bay' serial 8412-06/93-139 on the night shift, 7th August 2004. This facility has since been demolished.Jan 22, 2018

040817 011002r495 viewsNelson Point, Wheel Lathe, BHP GE AC6000 unit 6073 'Fortescue' serial 51065 wait collection following a wheel turn. 17th August 2004.Jan 22, 2018

050130 171954r582 viewsGillam Siding, BHP GE AC6000 6072 'Hesta' serial 51064 heads up a 300 waggon train with SD40R unit 3096 serial 31510 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8429 power north away from Gillam 30th January 2005.Jan 22, 2018

050102 170134r725 viewsNelson Point, BHP GE AC6000 6072 'Hesta' serial 51064 leads EMD SD40-2 unit 3081 serial 786170-75 originally Union Pacific unit UP 3573 under the Redbank Bridge with their loaded train arriving into Nelson Point Yard 2nd January 2005.Jan 22, 2018

040802 155428r543 viewsBing Siding, BHP GE AC6000 locomotive 6073 'Fortescue' leads EMD SD40-2 unit 3084 serial 786263-35 originally Union Pacific UP 3643 with a loaded train running through Bing 2nd August 2004.Jan 22, 2018

050204 080155r559 viewsMooka, BHP mid train units of GE AC6000 6071 'Chichester' serial 51063 with the metal windscreen protecting blinds up and EMD SD40-2 unit 3083 serial 786170-2 originally Union Pacific UP 3500 at close to line speed of 80 kph/h at the 30 km, 4th February 2005.Jan 21, 2018

080124 1684r810 viewsBing Siding, BHP Billiton GE AC6000 locomotive 6076 'Mt Goldsworthy' serial 51068 leads a loaded train with an SD40R in trail 24th January 2008. 6076 was the first AC6000 to be repainted in the 'earth' livery back in September 2003 and slight differences can be noticed between this units' livery and that applied to 6070 and 6075.Jan 21, 2018

080124 1612r679 viewsMooka, BHP Billiton GE AC6000 unit 6075 'Newman' serial 51067 which was repainted in the new 'earth' livery when its' 7HDL-16 was replaced with an GEVO-16 engine during overhaul. The livery varies from that applied to 6076, which was the first AC to so painted. Loaded train with SD40R, 26 km, 24th January 2008.Jan 21, 2018

070823 0325r736 viewsBing Siding, The David and Goliath of BHP Billiton's' motive power roster in the guise of GE AC6000 unit 6073 'Fortescue' serial 51065 and EMD SD40R unit 3089 serial 31512 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8431 stand on the passing track waiting a run south to the mines 23rd August 2007.Jan 21, 2018

050204 080056r554 viewsMooka, BHP GE AC6000 final unit 6077 serial 51069 with EMD SD40R 3091 serial 31496 originally Southern Pacific SD40 SP 8415 power along at the 30 km mark with an empty 200 waggon train, smoke can just been seen coming from mid train units 6071 and 3083 4th February 2005.Jan 21, 2018

040817 010702r504 viewsNelson Point, Wheel Lathe, BHP GE AC6000 unit 6073 'Fortescue' serial 51065 wait collection following a wheel turn. 17th August 2004.Jan 21, 2018
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