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150314 7746101 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0025, one of a batch of ten built in 2014.Mar 21, 2017
150314 774785 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0026, one of a batch of ten built in 2014.Mar 21, 2017
150314 774589 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0011 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.Mar 21, 2017
150314 774478 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0028, one of a batch of ten built in 2014.Mar 21, 2017
150314 774389 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL Comeng WA built tank waggon 0016 from 1974-5, one of six such tank waggons.Mar 21, 2017
150314 774281 viewsBing Siding, fuel tank waggon 0019 82 kL capacity, built by Comeng for BP as RTC 1, first of two such tanks, used on Mt Newman line, unsure when converted to 0019.Mar 21, 2017
150314 774194 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0030, the final member of a batch of ten built in 2014.Mar 21, 2017
150314 774095 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL CNR-QRRS of China built tank waggon 0030, the final member of a batch of ten built in 2014.Mar 21, 2017
150314 773994 viewsBing Siding, empty 116 kL Comeng WA built tank waggon 0013 from 1974-5, one of six such tank waggons.Mar 21, 2017
130720 1564100 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA ballast waggon CHQY class CHQY 706, former US-Canadian CRDX class.Mar 21, 2017
130720 156384 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA ballast waggon CHTY class CHTY 717, modified from a similar CHQY class with the end framing removed.Mar 21, 2017
130720 156294 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA ballast waggon CHQY class CHQY 732, former US-Canadian CRDX class.Mar 21, 2017
130720 1558100 viewsFlash Butt yard, rail recovery and transport train, flat waggon 6702, heavily cut down and modified Magor USA ore waggon by Mt Newman Mining workshops, converted to a 50 tonne waggon and designated the winch waggon with generator set to power the winch and the crib car.Mar 21, 2017
130720 1557178 viewsFlash Butt yard, out of service crib waggon a cut down Magor USA built Oroville ore waggon, seen here with a new Ausco donga replacing the original ATCO unit.Mar 21, 2017
130720 1556101 viewsFlash Butt yard, new heavyweight out of gauge flat waggon 6000, unsure of builder, could be Gemco Rail in Perth.Mar 21, 2017
130720 1555100 viewsFlash Butt yard, new heavyweight out of gauge flat waggon 6000, unsure of builder, could be Gemco Rail in Perth.Mar 21, 2017
130720 1461108 viewsFlash Butt yard, new heavyweight out of gauge flat waggon 6000, unsure of builder, could be Gemco Rail in Perth.Mar 21, 2017
130720 144887 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built 99 tonne ballast waggon 0214 loaded awaiting their next duty.Mar 21, 2017
130720 1447112 viewsFlash Butt yard, CNR-QRRS of China built 99 tonne ballast waggons 0214 and 0212 loaded awaiting their next duty.Mar 21, 2017
130720 1438111 viewsFlash Butt yard, CFCLA ballast waggon CHTY class CHTY 715, modified from a similar CHQY class with the end framing removed attached to an SD40R unit 3091.Mar 21, 2017
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