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110411 0998786 viewsNelson Point, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0008 one of six such tank waggons built in 1970-71.Mar 21, 2017

110411 0998694 viewsNelson Point, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0008 one of six such tank waggons built in 1970-71.Mar 21, 2017

110411 0998584 viewsNelson Point, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0008 one of six such tank waggons built in 1970-71.Mar 21, 2017

110411 0998494 viewsNelson Point, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0002 from 1970, one of two water tank waggons, later converted to a weed spray tanker in 1977, then converted to fuel.Mar 21, 2017

110411 0998387 viewsNelson Point, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0002 from 1970, one of two water tank waggons, later converted to a weed spray tanker in 1977, then converted to fuel.Mar 21, 2017

110411 0998299 viewsNelson Point, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0002 from 1970, one of two water tank waggons, later converted to a weed spray tanker in 1977, then converted to fuel.Mar 21, 2017

110411 0998196 viewsNelson Point, empty 82 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0002 from 1970, one of two water tank waggons, later converted to a weed spray tanker in 1977, then converted to fuel.Mar 21, 2017

110411 0998088 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0010 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.Mar 21, 2017

110411 0997988 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0010 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.Mar 21, 2017

110411 0997885 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0010 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.Mar 21, 2017

110411 0997787 viewsNelson Point, empty 116 kL Comeng NSW built tank waggon 0010 from 1972, one of three such tank waggons.Mar 21, 2017

110208 9446100 viewsFlash Butt yard, new rail stock carrier waggons 6038 and 6031 loaded with strings of rail, built by Gemco Rail in late 2009-10.Mar 21, 2017

110208 944591 viewsFlash Butt yard, new rail stock carrier waggon 6038 loaded with strings of rail, built by Gemco Rail in late 2009-10 with Barber bogies.Mar 21, 2017

110208 944486 viewsFlash Butt yard, new rail stock carrier waggon 6038 loaded with strings of rail, built by Gemco Rail in late 2009-10 with Barber bogies.Mar 21, 2017

110208 944396 viewsFlash Butt yard, new rail stock carrier waggon 6031 loaded with strings of rail, built by Gemco Rail in late 2009-10 with Barber bogies.Mar 21, 2017

110208 9442100 viewsFlash Butt yard, new rail stock carrier waggon 6037 loaded with strings of rail, built by Gemco Rail in late 2009-10 with Barber bogies.Mar 21, 2017

110208 944192 viewsFlash Butt yard, new rail stock carrier waggon 6033 loaded with strings of rail, built by Gemco Rail in late 2009-10 with Barber bogies.Mar 21, 2017

110208 9437147 viewsFlash Butt yard, one of a batch of six flat waggons converted by Mt Newman Mining workshops by cutting down a pair of ore waggons to make one flat waggon, 6101 in service with the rail recovery and transport train.Mar 21, 2017

110208 9435105 viewsFlash Butt yard, new Lead-Off Lead-On waggon STTR class STTR 6214 on the end of the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, built by Gemco Rail WA, squeeze roller location.Mar 21, 2017

110208 943489 viewsFlash Butt yard, new Lead-Off Lead-On waggon STTR class STTR 6214 on the end of the Steel Train or rail recovery and transport train, built by Gemco Rail WA, the height adjustable lead roller guide is upright, squeeze rollers behind the mesh.Mar 21, 2017
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