Pilbara Railways Image Collection

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204-29138 viewsPort Hedland, 42 Kingsmill Street, this house was bought for $102,000 in 2000, and sold for $900K 10 or 11 years later.Aug 24, 2014
204-28167 viewsPort Hedland, 42 Kingsmill Street, this house was bought for $102,000 in 2000, and sold for $900K 10 or 11 years later.Aug 24, 2014
204-27160 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine, remains of asbestos mining, narrow gauge rail track section with extra inside rail to prevent derailments.Aug 24, 2014
204-26152 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine area, pool located near mine site.Aug 24, 2014
204-25181 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine, remains of asbestos mining, view of the unloading area with the hoppers and chutes where the underground tipping ore cars were emptied.Aug 24, 2014
204-24159 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine, remains of asbestos mining, underground tipping ore cars.Aug 24, 2014
204-23164 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine, remains of asbestos mining, underground tipping ore car, shows side doo that opens when tipped to allow ore out of car.Aug 24, 2014
204-22159 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine, remains of asbestos mining, underground tipping ore cars, detail view of wheels and underside of car.Aug 24, 2014
204-20158 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine area, pool located near mine site.Aug 24, 2014
204-21159 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine, remains of asbestos mining, underground tipping ore cars.Aug 24, 2014
204-18227 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine area, pool located near mine site.Aug 24, 2014
204-19227 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine area, pool located near mine site.Aug 24, 2014
204-17230 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine area, pool located near mine site.Aug 24, 2014
204-16239 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine area, pool located near mine site.Aug 24, 2014
204-15250 viewsWittenoom Gorge Mine area scenery.Aug 24, 2014
204-14241 viewsYampire Gorge scenery.Aug 24, 2014
204-13245 viewsYampire Gorge scenery.Aug 24, 2014
204-12246 viewsYampire Gorge view of gorge face.Aug 24, 2014
204-11253 viewsYampire Gorge, road out of the gorge area with warning sign, Toyota HJ75 Landcruiser ute, PH 5090.Aug 24, 2014
204-10261 viewsYampire Gorge, road out of the gorge area with warning sign, Toyota HJ75 Landcruiser ute, PH 5090.Aug 24, 2014
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