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204-09254 viewsYampire Gorge, warning sign courtesy of the Department of Regional Development and North West.Aug 24, 2014
204-08270 viewsYampire Gorge, road out of the mining area with warning sign, Toyota HJ75 Landcruiser ute, PH 5090.Aug 24, 2014
204-07258 viewsYampire Gorge, road out of the mining area with warning sign, Toyota HJ75 Landcruiser ute, PH 5090.Aug 24, 2014
204-06263 viewsYampire Gorge, road out of the mining area with warning sign, Toyota HJ75 Landcruiser ute, PH 5090.Aug 24, 2014
204-03294 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, a Bowes Scott & Western Ltd of London jaw crusher.Aug 24, 2014
204-05265 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, how foundations were made, buried 44 gallon drums filled with rock.Aug 24, 2014
204-04281 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, a Bowes Scott & Western Ltd of London jaw crusher.Aug 24, 2014
204-01265 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, view across creek to sealed up drive entry No. 7.Aug 24, 2014
204-02267 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, view across creek to sealed up drive entry No. 7.Aug 24, 2014
204-00312 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, sealed up drive entry No. 7.Aug 24, 2014
203-37317 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, sealed up drive entry No. 7.Aug 16, 2014
203-36294 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, former roadway over grown with sign from the National Parks Board of WA.Aug 16, 2014
203-35308 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, former roadway over grown with sign from the National Parks Board of WA.Aug 16, 2014
203-33306 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, chute to move ore down between levels. Aug 16, 2014
203-34275 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, chute to move ore down between levels. Aug 16, 2014
203-31313 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, 5 cylinder diesel motor with drive pulley and fly wheel, possibly an air compressor.Aug 16, 2014
203-32305 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, 5 cylinder diesel motor with drive pulley and fly wheel, possibly an air compressor.Aug 16, 2014
203-29318 viewsDrillers Ridge, Wittenoom, Toyota HJ75, the road up to this little spot is actually sealed.Aug 16, 2014
203-30324 viewsWittenoom, town power station, still under operation by Horizon Power, formally Western Power and SECWA.Aug 16, 2014
203-26306 viewsDrillers Ridge, Wittenoom, the DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) tower was a navigation aid for the Department of Civil Aviation for the Wittenoom airport, the site was also used by Telecom for providing 'radio links' for phones into Wittenoom prior to the current tower located at the eastern edge of town which links back to Auski Roadhouse.Aug 16, 2014
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