Pilbara Railways Image Collection

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197-13488 viewsWittenoom, Colonial Mine, asbestos mining remains, Mancha battery locomotive #4 looking north west, demolished workshops and office on the left, mine adit doors visible, compressor building in the distance.Jul 22, 2014
197-12275 viewsWittenoom, Colonial Mine, asbestos mining remains, view looking south of the battery charging shed remains, battery off-take ramps and a battery module are visible along with the shed posts.Jul 22, 2014
197-11295 viewsWittenoom, Colonial Mine, asbestos mining remains, view looking north from the 197-10 location at the remains of the battery charging shed with only post and the back wall intact, a battery charging MG-set is visible along with the battery off-take ramps and a battery module.Jul 22, 2014
197-10274 viewsWittenoom, Colonial Mine, asbestos mining remains, view looking south west of the open air service pit with gantry and locomotive storage roads with the battery off-take racks. The track used to continue around to the mine adits in the background.Jul 22, 2014
197-09297 viewsWittenoom, Colonial Mine, asbestos mining remains, view looking south west of the open air locomotive storage roads with the battery off-take racks. The track used to continue around to the mine adits in the background.Jul 22, 2014
197-08203 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, looking east, empty iron ore train behind BHP's Goninan 1988 build GE CM39-8 unit 5632 'Poseidon' serial 5831-11 / 88-081, note the CCTV camera mounted under the radiator wing.Jul 22, 2014
197-07211 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, looking west with the end of the triangle or wye, signal post is GJ 7, empty iron ore train behind BHP's Goninan 1988 build GE CM39-8 unit 5632 'Poseidon' serial 5831-11 / 88-081.Jul 22, 2014
197-06201 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, looking west with the end of the triangle or wye, signal post is GJ 7, empty iron ore train behind BHP's Goninan 1988 build GE CM39-8 unit 5632 'Poseidon' serial 5831-11 / 88-081.Jul 22, 2014
197-05200 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, looking west with the end of the triangle or wye, signal post is GJ 7, empty iron ore train behind BHP's Goninan 1988 build GE CM39-8 unit 5632 'Poseidon' serial 5831-11 / 88-081.Jul 22, 2014
197-04215 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, looking west with the end of the triangle or wye, signal post is GJ 7, empty iron ore train behind BHP's Goninan 1988 build GE CM39-8 unit 5632 'Poseidon' serial 5831-11 / 88-081.Jul 22, 2014
197-03196 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, looking west with the end of the triangle or wye, signal post is GJ 7, empty iron ore train on approach.Jul 22, 2014
197-02200 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, looking west with the end of the triangle or wye, signal post is GJ 7, empty iron ore train on approach.Jul 22, 2014
197-01207 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, looking west with the end of the triangle or wye, signal post is GJ 7, empty iron ore train on approach.Jul 22, 2014
196-34261 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, view of mine adits or entry points of drives going into the side of the gorge western side of Wittenoom Gorge.May 21, 2014
196-33278 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, view looking south up the gorge past the mill site of the river and tailings, ore waggons visible.May 21, 2014
196-32278 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, side tipping ore waggons, one can be seen in the background in the tipped position.May 21, 2014
196-31274 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, view of the remains of the demolished buildings which formed the mill here, looking north east towards the power station.May 21, 2014
196-30278 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, view of demolished building with railway tracks in air, site of former dump or unloading station.May 21, 2014
196-29272 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, view of demolished building with railway tracks and pit in concrete floor, locomotive workshops.May 21, 2014
196-28287 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, view looking north east from remains of railways and mill towards power station, concrete pad is former workshops.May 21, 2014
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