Pilbara Railways Image Collection

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196-27295 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, view of demolished building with railway tracks in concrete floor, possible locomotive shop.May 21, 2014
196-26285 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view of power station generating hall with pump house and diesel storage tanks.May 21, 2014
196-25285 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view of power station generating hall with high voltage aerial conductors and the cooling water pipe visible.May 21, 2014
196-24277 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view of power station generating hall with high voltage aerial conductors and the cooling water pipe visible.May 21, 2014
196-23281 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, looking north out of East Gorge towards the power station site.May 21, 2014
196-22293 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, view inside of side opening ore waggon, shows how much ore the waggons could carry.May 21, 2014
196-20252 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, view inside of side opening ore waggon, shows how much ore the waggons could carry.May 21, 2014
196-21260 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, side open self discharge ore waggons, shows door mechanism.May 21, 2014
196-19269 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, ore waggon turntable track segment.May 21, 2014
196-18275 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view from Joffre Creek looking at the power station generator hall, the Gorge Mine is located further up Wittenoom Gorge to the right towards Karijini National Park.May 21, 2014
193-37169 viewsGympie station overview looking north in the Down direction from the station access footbridge. GeoData.May 21, 2014
193-36151 viewsGympie station overview looking north in the Down direction from the station access footbridge. GeoData.May 21, 2014
193-35166 viewsGympie yard, a fixed wheel base LSR type Loco Shunt Runner waggon, with a number in the 277## series it is likely converted from a FJS open waggon.May 21, 2014
193-33140 viewsGympie yard, narrow gauge Queensland Rail's 1502 class unit 1507 is a Comeng Rocklea Qld built (under contract for Clyde Engineering) EMD GL22C with serial 67-602.May 21, 2014
193-34151 viewsGympie yard, narrow gauge Queensland Rail's 1502 class unit 1507 is a Comeng Rocklea Qld built (under contract for Clyde Engineering) EMD GL22C with serial 67-602 with 1720 class unit 1752 behind it.May 21, 2014
193-31132 viewsGympie yard, narrow gauge Queensland Rail's 1502 class unit 1507 is a Comeng Rocklea Qld built (under contract for Clyde Engineering) EMD GL22C with serial 67-602.May 21, 2014
193-32147 viewsGympie yard, Queensland Rail's 1720 class locomotive 1752, built by Comeng Rocklea Qld for Clyde Engineering as EMD GL18C model in 1968 with serial 68-566.May 21, 2014
193-30180 viewsGympie yard, narrow gauge Queensland Rail's 1502 class unit 1507 is a Comeng Rocklea Qld built (under contract for Clyde Engineering) EMD GL22C with serial 67-602.May 21, 2014
193-29155 viewsGympie yard, Queensland Rail's 1720 class locomotive 1752, built by Comeng Rocklea Qld for Clyde Engineering as EMD GL18C model in 1968 with serial 68-566.May 21, 2014
193-28149 viewsGympie yard, Queensland Rail's 1720 class locomotive 1752, built by Comeng Rocklea Qld for Clyde Engineering as EMD GL18C model in 1968 with serial 68-566.May 21, 2014
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