Pilbara Railways Image Collection

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140517-4333270 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, looking towards north east at the formation. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4330253 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, looking towards Marble Bar along the alignment. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4329268 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, looking towards Marble Bar along the alignment. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4328261 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, looking back towards Eginbah along the alignment. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4327250 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, looking towards Marble Bar along the alignment. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4326260 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, former locomotive watering stop alongside the Talga River (closed in 1951), view of one of the pools water was drawn from, view looking north from the alignment over the river. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4324252 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, former locomotive watering stop alongside the Talga River (closed in 1951), view of alignment looking north from the Marble Bar end. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4321276 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, former locomotive watering stop alongside the Talga River (closed in 1951), view of concrete slab remains and the tanks, looking north east. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4316286 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, former locomotive watering stop alongside the Talga River (closed in 1951), view of concrete slabs, the line alignment can just be made out from the cutting. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4315323 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, former locomotive watering stop alongside the Talga River (closed in 1951), view of the tanks and concrete stands, the line alignment can just be made out in the background. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4314264 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, former locomotive watering stop alongside the Talga River (closed in 1951), view from the tanks down to the Talga River. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4313273 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, former locomotive watering stop alongside the Talga River (closed in 1951), view of the tanks on collapsed stands, the line was behind the tanks. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4309254 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, former locomotive watering stop alongside the Talga River (closed in 1951), view of the line formation block fill and tanks on collapsed stands. Location here.May 19, 2014
140517-4308265 viewsEginbah Siding area, of the Marble Bar railway, former locomotive watering stop alongside the Talga River (closed in 1951), view of the line formation block fill. Location here.May 19, 2014
189-37185 viewsWodonga, loco depot, V/Line broad gauge Y class Y 119 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-309, long hood view on turntable radial roads.May 19, 2014
189-36156 viewsWodonga, loco depot turntable radial roads, V/Line broad gauge 2nd series X class X 38 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-701, long hood view.May 19, 2014
189-35173 viewsWodonga, loco depot turntable radial roads, V/Line broad gauge 3rd series X class X 54 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-801, long hood view.May 19, 2014
189-34187 viewsWodonga, loco depot turntable radial roads, V/Line broad gauge locos lined up, 2nd series X class X 38 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-701 and 3rd series X class X 54 serial 75-801 with Y class Y 119 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-309, all long hood facing camera.May 19, 2014
189-33152 viewsWodonga, loco depot turntable radial roads, V/Line broad gauge locos lined up, 2nd series X class X 38 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-701 and 3rd series X class X 54 serial 75-801 with Y class Y 119 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-309, all long hood facing camera.May 19, 2014
189-32157 viewsWodonga, loco depot, V/Line broad gauge Y class Y 119 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-309, side view on turntable radial roads, X class X 54 behind it.May 19, 2014
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