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192-29149 viewsCootamundra West, NSW, view of Frame B and metal post mechanical lower quadrant semaphore signal operated by lever 37 is for up moves out of the Refuge or Goods Sidings to the Loop Line. The signal post is reduced in height due to the airfield adjacent to the line.May 19, 2014
192-28142 viewsCootamundra West, NSW, view looking east in the up direction of the reduced height mechanical lower quadrant semaphore signals due to the airport beside the line, the left doll is operated by lever 43 and is for the Temora to Loop Line while the right is lever 47 and for the Temora to Main Line or South Fork. Frame B is visible on the left and the clearance bar on the main can be seen. The concrete footing is for a future electric light signal installation.May 19, 2014
192-27168 viewsCootamundra West, NSW, view looking in the up direction from the end No.1 Goods Siding and points can just be seen for No.2 Goods Siding. Taken from the Refuge Siding. The timber storage box behind the 50 km/h sign is a fettler's tool box.May 19, 2014
192-26152 viewsCootamundra West, NSW, view looking up direction towards Cootamundra West along the Temora mainline. The sidings on the left are the Refuge Siding and the BWH / NMGA grain waggons are on No.1 Goods Sidings.May 19, 2014
192-25146 viewsCootamundra West, NSW, view looking up direction across Freer's private grade crossing towards Cootamundra West from the up home mechanical lower quadrant semaphore signal on a wooden post and still with finial. Lever 48 operates this signal. The sidings on the left are the Refuge and No.1 Goods Sidings.May 19, 2014
192-24152 viewsCootamundra West, NSW, originally a railway station on the Lake Cargelligo railway line, signal box and sign view with the most impressive station sign!May 19, 2014
192-23143 viewsJunee, NSW Main South, mechanical lower quadrant semaphore signals, looking north.May 19, 2014
192-22178 viewsJunee, NSW Main South, mechanical lower quadrant ground shunting semaphore signals, hinged arms for tight clearances.May 19, 2014
192-21152 viewsJunee, NSW Main South, mechanical lower quadrant semaphore signals affixed to the Kemp Street Bridge, looking north.May 19, 2014
192-20165 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot, class leader of the NSWGR 45 class 4501 an ALCo RSD-20 or DL-541 built by AE Goodwin in 1962 with serial 84143.May 19, 2014
192-19261 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot, a pair of stored ALCo model DL-500B units in very poor condition.May 19, 2014
192-18260 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot, stored Craven Brothers of Birmingham England built 70 ton steam crane 1072 and match truck L 502, crane was built in 1929 as steam driven, since converted to diesel operation.May 19, 2014
192-17272 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot, stored NSWGR 45 class unit 4514 an ALCo RSD-20 or DL-541 built by AE Goodwin in 1962 with serial 84156.May 19, 2014
192-16253 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot, the cab of a Comeng built ALCo CE615A sits amongst the flowers.May 19, 2014
192-15261 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot, a forlorn unidentified 44 class in the NSWSRA candy livery built by AE Goodwin as an ALCo DL500B.May 19, 2014
192-14249 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot, a view looking through the fuelling point with the sanding facility behind that, stored 45 class units on the right.May 19, 2014
192-13263 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot, class leader of the NSWGR 45 class 4501 an ALCo RSD-20 or DL-541 built by AE Goodwin in 1962 with serial 84143.May 19, 2014
192-12330 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot, class leader of the NSWGR 45 class 4501 an ALCo RSD-20 or DL-541 built by AE Goodwin in 1962 with serial 84143.May 19, 2014
192-11269 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot roundhouse, a pair of ALCo RSD-20 or DL-541 models built by AE Goodwin for NSWGR as the 45 class are in the stages of being sealed up for long term storage, 4511 serial 84153 is already done while 4528 serial 84170 wait its turn.May 19, 2014
192-10288 viewsJunee, NSWSRA standard gauge locomotive depot, stored NSWGR 45 class unit 4523 an ALCo RSD-20 or DL-541, built by AE Goodwin in 1963 with serial 84165.May 19, 2014
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