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190-27161 viewsBethungra, located at the 456.04 km on the NSW Main South line, looking south from the north end, ground frame D and yard visible around the curve.May 16, 2014
190-26140 viewsBethungra, located at the 456.04 km on the NSW Main South line, looking south along the Up Main through the former station location with ground frame B for the trailing crossover visible on the left and the goods yard on the right.May 16, 2014
190-25150 viewsFrampton, located at the 445.12 km on the NSW Main South line, looking south at traffic hut and trailing crossover, former good platform on the right.May 16, 2014
190-24317 viewsCootamundra West, NSW located 431 km from Sydney and the start of the Lake Cargelligo branchline, a Perth bound interstate freight train taking the scenic route, via Cootamundra West, Stockinbingal and Parkes, passes over Yass Road through the manual hand gates behind 81 class locomotive 8159 and a sister unit.May 16, 2014
190-23155 viewsCootamundra West, NSW located 431 km from Sydney and the start of the Lake Cargelligo branchline, a Perth bound interstate freight train taking the scenic route, via Cootamundra West, Stockinbingal and Parkes, is about to pass over Yass Road through the manual hand gates behind 81 class locomotive 8159 and a sister unit.May 16, 2014
190-22173 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, quad AE Goodwin built ALCo DL531 units sit in the platform dock at the station. Headed up by AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 serial 84131 of 1962 for NSWGR as 48 class MK I 4841 wearing the at the time current Candy livery. These units had an ALCo 6-251B for 1050 hp. This unit was scrapped in 2014.May 16, 2014
190-21161 viewsDemondrille, NSW Main South, a signal for Up trains running through to Goulburn, looking north from Wombat Road, the North Shunting Neck is on the left.May 16, 2014
190-20213 viewsDemondrille, NSW Main South, a down home signal for the mainline south, taken from Wombat Road overbridge.May 16, 2014
190-19271 viewsDemondrille, NSW Main South, looking south toward the North Box and platforms from the Wombat Road overbridge. The Dock Siding and platform are visible on the right.May 16, 2014
190-18270 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, AE Goodwin built ALCo model DL531 serial G3387-2 of 1964 for NSWGR as the 48 class MK II 4847 sits in the yard wearing the Candy livery of the era. These units sported an ALCo 6-251B for 1050 hp. This unit was scrapped in 2008.May 16, 2014
190-17262 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, departmental ballast plough W 1050 an NZBF type bogie ballast plough, originally coded BBP and built in 1970 by the NSWGR workshops.May 16, 2014
190-16263 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, departmental waggon W 1569, a loaded NHBF type bogie ballast waggon NHBF 1569 with a Comeng plate.May 16, 2014
190-15269 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, departmental waggon W 1195, a loaded NHWF type bogie ballast waggon NHWF 1195.May 16, 2014
190-13231 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, NSSF type bogie sheep waggon NSSF 30004, originally built by AE Goodwin as BSV type.May 16, 2014
190-14252 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, a loaded rake of ballast hoppers.May 16, 2014
190-12263 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, a rake of sheep NSSF type waggons.May 16, 2014
190-11247 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, looking south, with the Sorting Sidings at left, and main yard in the middle, mainlines at right with the Down Refuge running down the middle of image.May 16, 2014
190-10243 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, looking south with the grain loading area and Ascom silo complex and the yard with rakes of stored waggons.May 16, 2014
190-09236 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, looking north at the 429 km post, North signal box across Pinkerton Rd with the impressive north signal gantry.May 16, 2014
190-08231 viewsCootamundra, NSW Main South, looking from the mainlines across the yard in a north direction, two mechanical lower quadrant semaphore signal posts protect up movements from the yard.May 16, 2014
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