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139-09190 viewsBallarat East, Humffray Street, interlocked gates, V/Line broad gauge N class N 469 'City of Morwell' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1198 leads an up passenger train, the right hand set of interlocked gates are for the loco depot tracks, point rodding, signal post 6A.May 04, 2014

139-08153 viewsBallarat East Signal Box looking east across Humffray Street with the interlocked gates for the double track mainline to Warrenheip and another set for the loco tracks protected by Post 6A which was installed following its removal from Beaufort, bluestone goods shed with stored T class locomotives in the distance with the loco depot behind. Disc 6A is for movements across Humffray Street to Loco with Disc 6 for departing movements. Disc signal Post 5A on the left for down trains from No. 1 Road to the Goods Arrival Road or Siding Y, double bracket Post 5 (with removed right Arm) left had Arm is from No. 2 Road to Passenger Line to Post 11 and controlled from A Box, the staff exchange platform is for the former line to Buninyong.May 04, 2014

139-07149 viewsBallarat yard, looking east, rear view of semaphore and disc signal post 11, semaphore signal post 9B facing the camera, Ballarat East signal box and goods shed visible in the background.May 04, 2014

139-06148 viewsBallarat yard, Ballarat A Signal Box, track view, north west elevation, point rodding easily visible with town below.May 04, 2014

139-05168 viewsBallarat yard, semaphore and disc signal Post 19 controlled from Ballarat Signal Box A or Ballarat Box, goods shed roads at left, goods platform roads at right, looking east. Right hand Arm Up Home No. 6 Road to the Up Passenger Line to Post 7, right hand Disc from No. 6 Road to 'D' towards Post 13, left hand Arm Up Home No. 7 Road to Up Passenger Line to Post 7 and left hand Disc from No. 7 Road to 'D' towards Post 13. The waggons at right are on No. 7 Road with the just visible grain waggons on No. 8 goods road with double disc Post 18.May 04, 2014

139-03154 viewsCreswick station yard overview, well what remains! Siding rail just visible in the grass, Looking north from the south end, lamp room, elevated signal box, station building, goods shed.May 04, 2014

139-04195 viewsBallarat station yard, V/Line broad gauge VHEF type bogie briquette hopper waggon VHEF 729, side view. Originally built new in 1982 by V/Line Workshops in a batch of thirty five as type VHEY, recoded to VHEF in 1987/88.May 04, 2014

139-02140 viewsCreswick station yard overview, gang camp ATCO dongas, siding visible in the grass with baulk, brick goods shed, looking south from the north end, elevated signal box.May 04, 2014

139-01138 viewsTourello Loop, staff exchange hut and Super Loo.May 04, 2014

129-1-37178 viewsKoo Wee Rup station overview, shows removed track, looking in the up direction towards Melbourne, goods shed fenced off, gangers trolley shed at left in front of station building and platform. Location is here.May 02, 2014

129-1-36146 viewsKoo Wee Rup track view, looking in the down direction towards Lang Lang across Rossiter Road, semaphore signal, track segment removed. Location is here.May 02, 2014

129-1-35152 viewsKoo Wee Rup station building overview, station platform, building showing signs of fire damage, track view.May 02, 2014

129-1-33147 viewsCranbourne station overview, looking towards Koo Wee Rup, loading ramp and goods shed on the left, station platform and building on the right.May 02, 2014

129-1-34143 viewsCranbourne station building, goods shed.May 02, 2014

129-1-31135 viewsCranbourne, siding, loading ramp and hoist.May 02, 2014

129-1-32127 viewsCranbourne yard view, looking towards Melbourne.May 02, 2014

129-1-30127 viewsCranbourne station platform, toilet block.May 02, 2014

129-1-29155 viewsCranbourne station building overview, and signal bay with signal levers, waiting shelter.May 02, 2014

129-1-27120 viewsLong Island yard view, looking towards steel mill.May 02, 2014

129-1-28133 viewsLong Island, track view, entry to BHP steel plant.May 02, 2014
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