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135-04326 viewsIpswich yard, narrow gauge Comeng Qld built (under contract for Clyde Engineering) EMD model GL22C, Queensland Rail's 1502 class unit 1523, in 2005 1523 was rebuilt and now operated by FCAB in Chile as their 1455.Apr 30, 2014
135-03323 viewsIpswich yard, narrow gauge Comeng Qld built (under contract for Clyde Engineering) EMD model GL22C, Queensland Rail's 1502 class unit 1523, in 2005 1523 was rebuilt and now operated by FCAB in Chile as their 1455. In the background is QR English Electric built model RSE92C 1620 class leader 1620.Apr 30, 2014
135-02328 viewsLoaded coal train sneaks past Ipswich signal box behind QR 2400 class units 2503 and 2500.Apr 30, 2014
135-01312 viewsIpswich yard, narrow gauge Comeng Qld built (under contract for Clyde Engineering) EMD model GL22C, Queensland Rail's 1502 class unit 1523, in 2005 1523 was rebuilt and now operated by FCAB in Chile as their 1455.Apr 30, 2014
135-00452 viewsIpswich yard, narrow gauge Comeng Qld built (under contract for Clyde Engineering) EMD model GL22C, Queensland Rail's 1502 class unit 1523, in 2005 1523 was rebuilt and now operated by FCAB in Chile as their 1455. In the background is QR English Electric built model RSE92C 1620 class leader 1620.Apr 30, 2014
182-17156 viewsMurchison, view along mainline looking towards Murchison East.Apr 30, 2014
182-16149 viewsMurchison, derelict station site looking along mainline with super phosphate shed and horizontal GEB H style grain bunker on the left, gangers shed visible behind tree on the right.Apr 30, 2014
182-15156 viewsMurchison, derelict station site looking along mainline with horizontal GEB H style grain bunker.Apr 30, 2014
182-14146 viewsMurchison, fire extinguisher cabinet, near gangers shed.Apr 30, 2014
182-13169 viewsMurchison, derelict gangers trolley shed.Apr 30, 2014
182-12160 viewsWahgunyah, yard view looking towards Rutherglen from the goods sidings, No.2 Road visible on the left and No.4 Road in the middle, elevated siding with eroded track, shed on the right.Apr 30, 2014
182-11165 viewsWahgunyah station yard overview looking from the terminus towards Rutherglen, points and levers for number 1, 2 and 3 Roads with rake of waggons on No.2 Road, Delarue silo complex on the left at the site of former station building, to the left was the former turntable area, Uncle Tobys plant in the distance, with red gum sleepers and super phosphate shed on the right.Apr 30, 2014
182-10159 viewsWahgunyah, yard view looking along No.4 Road towards terminus, on the right beyond the container waggon in the distant grass used to be a steam era turntable, former rail served buildings to the left of the sidings.Apr 30, 2014
182-09169 viewsWahgunyah, yard view looking towards terminus, crossover points from No.3 Road to 4 have been spiked and levers have been removed, bogie container waggons for Uncle Tobys are on No.2 Road.Apr 30, 2014
182-08169 viewsWahgunyah, super phosphate storage sheds, with piles and unloading contraption on the back of a Bedford J series truck, bag filling platform, Caltex depot in middle background.Apr 30, 2014
182-07159 viewsWahgunyah, super phosphate storage shed.Apr 30, 2014
182-06181 viewsWahgunyah, view of mainline looking past redundant points for former Mobil Oil Company Siding to Uncle Tobys plant with bogie waggons, line curves away to the right back to Rutherglen.Apr 30, 2014
182-05172 viewsWahgunyah, station yard overview looking north along the mainline, redundant points with lever and hand locking bar still in-situ but K crossing removed, former track to Mobil Oil Company Siding, silo complex and waggon rake in the distance.Apr 30, 2014
182-04183 viewsWahgunyah, station yard overview looking north along No.1 Road, rake of bogie waggons on No.2 Road with Delarue silo complex on site of former station building, points with hand locking bar, road curving around to the left is for the super phosphate sheds, portable station building and red gum sleeper stockpile in middle frame.Apr 30, 2014
182-03173 viewsWahgunyah, yard view with stockpiles of new red gum sleepers at left, an empty rake of bogie louvre vans and container waggons sits in the yard for Uncle Tobys, looking towards the terminus.Apr 30, 2014
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