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140406 IMG 192846 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTBF type fuel tank waggon NTBF 6118, with former owners name (Freight Australia) visible. Originally built by Comeng NSW in 1975 as an SCA type 69,000 litre bitumen tank waggon SCA 267 for Shell NSW. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140406 IMG 192743 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTBF type fuel tank waggon NTBF 6120, built by Comeng NSW in 1975 as an SCA type bitumen tank waggon for Shell Bitumen NSW as SCA 271. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140406 IMG 192645 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTBF 6119 fuel tank waggon, originally built by Comeng NSW in 1975 as SCA type SCA 270 69000 litre bitumen tank waggon for Shell NSW, diesel capacity of 62700 litres. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140406 IMG 192039 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTBF 6119 fuel tank waggon, originally built by Comeng NSW in 1975 as SCA type SCA 270 69000 litre bitumen tank waggon for Shell NSW, diesel capacity of 62700 litres. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140309 IMG 176129 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATLY type gas tank waggon ATLY 1, built by Comeng NSW in 1968 as a Tg type tank waggon for Boral Gas as Tg 1 on the South Australian Railways, to the VR as TWF type TWF 10 in 1979, then later in 1979 to VTGX type. Off VR register 1988 and to AN as ATLX type ATLX 1, then to ATLY. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140309 IMG 176037 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, ATLY type gas tank waggon ATLY 1, built by Comeng NSW in 1968 as a Tg type tank waggon for Boral Gas as Tg 1 on the South Australian Railways, to the VR as TWF type TWF 10 in 1979, then later in 1979 to VTGX type. Off VR register 1988 and to AN as ATLX type ATLX 1, then to ATLY. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140208 IMG 151042 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 3359 with 65,000 litre capacity for Caltex. Refurbished by Gemco WA in Nov 2013 from a Caltex NTAF type tank waggon NTAF 359 originally built by Comeng NSW in 1975 as a CTX type CTX 359. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140205 IMG 148739 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY 6131 fuel tank waggon, originally built by Indeng Qld as an SCA tank SCA 282 for Shell NSW in 1979. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140205 IMG 148654 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY 6131 fuel tank waggon, originally built by Indeng Qld as an SCA tank SCA 282 for Shell NSW in 1979. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140205 IMG 146341 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 3356 with 64,200 litre capacity for Caltex. Refurbished by Gemco WA in Nov 2013 from a Caltex NTAF type tank waggon NTAF 356 originally built by Comeng NSW in 1974 as a CTX type CTX 356. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140205 IMG 146241 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 3356 with 64,200 litre capacity for Caltex. Refurbished by Gemco WA in Nov 2013 from a Caltex NTAF type tank waggon NTAF 356 originally built by Comeng NSW in 1974 as a CTX type CTX 356. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
140205 IMG 1461205 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, NTAY type fuel tank waggon NTAY 3356 with 64,200 litre capacity for Caltex. Refurbished by Gemco WA in Nov 2013 from a Caltex NTAF type tank waggon NTAF 356 originally built by Comeng NSW in 1974 as a CTX type CTX 356. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
131024 IMG 066645 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, detail image of AZWY 30373 'Sputnik' loco oil and sand waggon. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
131024 IMG 066534 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, detail image of AZWY 30373 'Sputnik' loco oil and sand waggon. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
131024 IMG 066445 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, detail image of AZWY 30373 'Sputnik' loco oil and sand waggon. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
131024 IMG 066335 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, detail image of AZWY 30373 'Sputnik' loco oil and sand waggon. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
131024 IMG 066240 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, detail image of AZWY 30373 'Sputnik' loco oil and sand waggon. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
131024 IMG 066141 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, detail image of AZWY 30373 'Sputnik' loco oil and sand waggon. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
131024 IMG 066048 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, detail image of AZWY 30373 'Sputnik' loco oil and sand waggon. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
131024 IMG 065951 viewsWest Kalgoorlie, detail image of AZWY 30373 'Sputnik' loco oil and sand waggon. Peter Donaghy image.May 23, 2023
16524 files on 827 page(s) 71

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