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156-11173 viewsShepparton station yard view looking north across High Street grade crossing, dwarf signal 8 just across road, SPC Siding and building in the background, searchlight signals in the distance are up and down home signals at Fryers Road grade crossing, down home signal post 10 and up home signal post 12, point lever, electric interlocking and phone cabinet.Apr 30, 2014
156-10155 viewsShepparton station yard overview looking south down No.5 Road towards the goods shed and stabled T class, fuel train and louvre vans, the former Fruit Siding curves around the back of the goods shed at right, grounded B van and per way stockpiles of rails and pipes in middle of frame, station building and platform on the left, awning of Tubemakers at left over former Engine Track.Apr 30, 2014
156-09179 viewsShepparton yard view looking north across High Street grade crossing from No.2 Road and the Tocumwal mainline, points for former 'engine track' are on the right, points for the road from the Tocumwal line to No.1 Road set, line on the right is to Katamatite, searchlight signal posts 10 and 11 are the down home signals for each line, track on the far left cross High Street and is the former SEC Siding, SPC Siding can be seen on the right in the distance beyond searchlight signal posts 14 and 15, both down homes.Apr 30, 2014
156-08153 viewsShepparton yard view looking south, points for No.5 Road off No.2 Road, then points for No.3 and 4 Roads, engine siding at left, and No.1 Road running down to station platform and building, grounded B van at right, with stabled T class locomotive and fuel waggons with goods shed and Freightgate and cement silos in the background.Apr 30, 2014
156-07178 viewsShepparton yard view looking north across High Street grade crossing from in-between No.1 and 2 roads, former 'engine track' is on the right, points locked for Tocumwal line on the left, line on the right is to Katamatite, the points on the left of frame are from No.5 Road, searchlight signal posts 10 and 11 are the down home signals for each line, track on the far left cross High Street and is the former SEC Siding, SPC Siding can be seen on the right in the distance.Apr 30, 2014
156-06127 viewsMetal telegraph pole and wires, some where on the North East mainlines?Apr 30, 2014
156-05118 viewsMetal telegraph pole and wires, some where on the North East mainlines?Apr 30, 2014
156-04138 viewsMultiple exposure, V/Line G class G 525 with an up Melbourne Express, and a number of infrastructure shots.Apr 30, 2014
156-03157 viewsBank Box Loop, broad gauge V/Line N class N 471 'City of Benalla' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1200 and N set N 14 with an up Dimboola passenger train.Apr 30, 2014
156-02162 viewsBank Box Loop, broad gauge V/Line N class N 471 'City of Benalla' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1200, side view.Apr 30, 2014
156-01171 viewsBank Box Loop, broad gauge V/Line N class N 471 'City of Benalla' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1200 sits on the loop as V/Line X class X 46 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-793 and Australian National BL class leader BL 26 'Bob Hawke' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 83-1010 leads an Adelaide bound Super Freighter on the mainline.Apr 30, 2014
155-25148 viewsMelbourne Yard, derailed broad gauge Australian National 930 class 934 built in 1956 by AE Goodwin as ALCo model DL500B serial 81889 in AN livery, right hand cab side shows derailed bogie.Apr 30, 2014
155-24155 viewsMelbourne Yard, derailed broad gauge Australian National 930 class 934 built in 1956 by AE Goodwin as ALCo model DL500B serial 81889 in AN livery, left hand cab side shows derailed bogie, point lever.Apr 30, 2014
155-23330 viewsMelbourne Yard, derailed broad gauge Australian National 930 class 934 built in 1956 by AE Goodwin as ALCo model DL500B serial 81889 in AN livery, side view, off focus.Apr 30, 2014
155-22150 viewsMelbourne Yard, derailed broad gauge Australian National 930 class 934 built in 1956 by AE Goodwin as ALCo model DL500B serial 81889 in AN livery, side view.Apr 30, 2014
155-13149 viewsWallan, stored 'OFF REG' waggon awaiting scrapping, six wheel Ways and Works waggon HD type 148 HD, originally built by Newport Workshops in 1905 as a six wheel FF type fixed wheel horsebox FF 54, in 1910 recoded to F type F 26, scrapped at Bendigo Workshops in 1959 and converted to HD type HD 148. Placed Off Register circa 1981.Apr 30, 2014
155-12141 viewsWallan, stored 'OFF REG' waggon awaiting scrapping, bogie Ways and Works workmen's sleeper waggon, WW type 113 WW, side view, other side to 155-10. Originally built as a A type first class fixed six wheel carriage A 114 by Brown & Marshall of England in 1883, recoded to X type X 63 in circa 1910, then in 1946 converted to a workman's sleeper W type at Newport workshops as W 58. And in 1959 at Bendigo workshops fitted to a bogie underframe and converted to WW.Apr 30, 2014
155-11149 viewsWallan, stored 'OFF REG' waggon awaiting scrapping, bogie Ways and Works workmen's sleeper waggons, end view shows coupler, buffers and signage, the water tank can be seen behind the tree at right and the double disc signal post 15 at extreme right.Apr 30, 2014
155-10148 viewsWallan, stored 'OFF REG' waggon awaiting scrapping, bogie Ways and Works workmen's sleeper waggon, WW type 113 WW, side view. Originally built as a A type first class fixed six wheel carriage A 114 by Brown & Marshall of England in 1883, recoded to X type X 63 in circa 1910, then in 1946 converted to a workman's sleeper W type at Newport workshops as W 58. And in 1959 at Bendigo workshops fitted to a bogie underframe and converted to WW.Apr 30, 2014
155-09135 viewsWallan, stored 'OFF REG' waggon awaiting scrapping, four wheel waggon, GY type open waggon GY 960, detail view of hand brake wheel and shunters step.Apr 30, 2014
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