Pilbara Railways Image Collection

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153-3-10148 viewsMininera, yard loading ramp looking towards Geelong.Apr 30, 2014
153-3-09143 viewsMininera location sign.Apr 30, 2014
153-3-08146 viewsTatyoon goods shed and Murphy silo complex, station platform at far left.Apr 30, 2014
153-3-06145 viewsTatyoon station yard overview from Ararat end, shows trailable points lever and indicator, goods shed and Murphy silos visible in the background.Apr 30, 2014
153-3-07143 viewsTatyoon, station building and platform, radio mast, train order location.Apr 30, 2014
153-3-05152 viewsMaroona station yard overview, building and platform, platform shed, grain silos, looking toward Ararat.Apr 30, 2014
153-3-04139 viewsMaroona station yard overview looking towards Portland, junction for line to Geelong via Cressy, semaphore signal for Geelong line pulled off.Apr 30, 2014
153-3-03139 viewsMaroona, station platform, signal levers chained in position, closest to camera Outer Ararat, Inner Ararat, Hamilton Dep, Geelong Dep, Hamilton Arr and Geelong Arr.Apr 30, 2014
153-3-01181 viewsMaroona, V/Line VOCX type bogie open waggon VOCX 130, originally built by Victorian Railways Ballarat North Workshops an ELX type in July 1968, recoded to VOCX in 1979, loaded with briquettes at the silo load out, lever handbrake.Apr 30, 2014
153-3-02150 viewsMaroona, station platform and building, signal levers, 232 km post, looking towards Portland.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-37134 viewsArarat station yard, electric dwarf signal 34.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-36121 viewsArarat station yard, ballast regulator, signal gantry for mainline behind in background.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-35114 viewsArarat yard view looking towards Melbourne with signal rodding crossing spoon drain.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-34118 viewsArarat station yard overview looking towards Melbourne, tracks are from left, line to Maryborough, loco depot, main Western Line to Ballarat, line to Maroona, Semaphore signal and disc post 7, telephone cabinet and point indicators, signal gantry has post 4, 5 and 6, double disc post in background is post 3 from loco depot, point rodding can be seen at right crossing drain, ballast regulator at left.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-33110 viewsArarat station yard, track interlocking view, points, lever, indicator, rodding and wire, counter weight on signal post.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-3298 viewsArarat station yard, ground dwarf disc signals 14 from 9-16 Rds New Goods Yard, and 15 from 8 Rd New Goods Yard, with a point indicator, side view shows interlocking, rodding and wires.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-3199 viewsArarat station yard, point indicator.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-30116 viewsArarat station yard, ground dwarf disc signals 14 from 9-16 Rds New Goods Yard, and 15 from 8 Rd New Goods Yard, with a point indicator.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-29115 viewsArarat signal box, mainline in from of box, rear view from yard tracks.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-28133 viewsArarat loco depot, HD type four wheel loco sand waggon HD 233, originally built in 1907 by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops, converted to HD type in 1973 by Bendigo Workshops.Apr 30, 2014
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