Pilbara Railways Image Collection

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153-2-27138 viewsArarat loco depot, turntable deck view looking from yard access track, three stall roundhouse.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-26125 viewsArarat loco depot, detail view of turntable bogie wheel and pit.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-25132 viewsArarat loco depot, turntable and pit, track at right leads to Ararat yard, HD type sand waggon in background.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-24119 viewsBeaufort goods shed, view from road side, station building and platform behind it.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-23123 viewsBeaufort station overview, station buildings, platform, elevated signal box, goods shed at right.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-22108 viewsBeaufort station platform redundant elevated signal box looking from former yard.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-21135 viewsTrawalla, V/Line broad gauge up goods train with double C class locos C 503 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-826 and a sister with train 9150 at Smiths Rd crossing.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-20158 viewsTrawalla signal box and automatic electric staff exchange apparatus setup with staff for an up train, point rodding and signal wires leaving the platform, levers visible in windows.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-19150 viewsTrawalla station and signal box front elevation from track side, shows signal wires and rodding leaving platform, electric staff auto exchange apparatus set up with staff.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-18151 viewsBallarat station yard, weighbridge scale hut, point rodding out of hut is for selecting the points at each end of the weighbridge for either the fixed track or weigh track, V/Line bogie grain waggons.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-17176 viewsBallarat station yard, broad gauge Australian National Railways AOOX type 85 foot bogie open waggon AOOX 2169 with ANR logos and three 20' TEU containers, AOOX 2169 was built by Transfield WA as one of a batch of thirty six GOX type bogie open waggons in 1970.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-16180 viewsBallarat station yard, broad gauge V/Line VZMA type bogie ballast waggon VZMA 58 with new bogies, originally built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops as an NN type ballast hopper in August 1950, recoded to VHWA in 1979, station canopy and clock tower behind.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-15174 viewsBallarat station yard, broad gauge V/Line Grain VHGF type bogie grain hopper waggon VHGF 416 originally built by V/Line's Ballarat North Workshops in November 1984 as VHGY type and recoded in 1988 to VHGF, view from handbrake end, double disc signal mast behind, catch point interlocking and rodding in foreground.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-14220 viewsBallarat station, broad gauge V/Line N class N 463 'City of Bendigo' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1192 and D van, Melbourne bound up passenger train.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-13231 viewsBallarat station and canopy, broad gauge V/Line N class N 463 'City of Bendigo' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1192, D van and N set with a Melbourne bound up passenger train.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-12157 viewsBallarat East loco depot, turntable pit in bottom corner of frame, D3 class tender under going rebuild, V/Line broad gauge N class N 455 'City of Swan Hill' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1223 next to fuel and sanding sheds, obscured Y class Y 165 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 68-585.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-11149 viewsBallarat East loco depot turntable, shows interlocking and walkway.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-10159 viewsBallarat East loco depot turntable and pit, shows freshly painted frame, D3 639 renumbered from 658 undergoing rebuild, V/Line broad gauge N class N 455 'City of Swan Hill' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1223 obscured Y class Y 165 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 68-585, grounded four wheel HD type waggon HD 196 'Gradall Plant'.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-09175 viewsBallarat East loco depot overview, broad gauge locos and waggons, turntable recently repainted and pit, D3 658 renumbered as 639 following the original being scrapped, steam engine and tender under rebuild, N class N 455 'City of Swan Hill' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1223, Y classes Y 165 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 68-585 and Y 152 serial 67-572 and RT class rail tractor RT 21? and four wheel waggons of J, HD and WT types, fuel point and sanding shed between the N class and Y class in the background.Apr 30, 2014
153-2-08181 viewsBallarat East loco depot turntable and pit overview, shows renumbered D3 658 as 639 being rebuilt, grounded HD type waggon behind and J type four wheel sand waggon, fuel and sanding point behind the D3, Y classes Y 152 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 67-572 and Y 165 serial 68-585, N class at left.Apr 30, 2014
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