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110-09331 viewsBenalla yard view, NSW louvre vans, looking north from goods shed loading platform.Apr 30, 2014
110-08322 viewsBenalla yard view, quad disc signal post 12 looking north, broad gauge V/Line S class S 302 'Edward Henty' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 57-166, B class B 64 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-5 and V/Line T class loco T 403 with serial 67-498 a Clyde Engineering Granville NSW built EMD model G18B, stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303, point levers, telephone cabinet for talking to signal box.Apr 30, 2014
110-07308 viewsBenalla yard view, broad gauge V/Line VLCX type bogie louvre van VLCX 350 stencilled 'Melb - Mildura Traffic Only', stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303. Built in November 1965 by Ballarat North Workshops as VLX type, recoded in April 1979.Apr 30, 2014
110-06292 viewsBenalla yard view, broad gauge V/Line B class B 64 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-5, side view, stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303, ground dwarf disc signals, point indicator.Apr 30, 2014
110-05310 viewsBenalla yard view, broad gauge V/Line T class loco T 403 with serial 67-498 a Clyde Engineering Granville NSW built EMD model G18B stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303, point rodding, VLCX type bogie louvre van.Apr 30, 2014
110-04299 viewsBenalla yard view, broad gauge V/Line B class B 64 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-5 and V/Line T class loco T 403 with serial 67-498 a Clyde Engineering Granville NSW built EMD model G18B, stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303, point indicators and ground disc signals.Apr 30, 2014
110-03298 viewsBenalla yard view, broad gauge V/Line B class B 64 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-5 and V/Line T class loco T 403 with serial 67-498 a Clyde Engineering Granville NSW built EMD model G18B, stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303, point indicators and ground disc signals.Apr 30, 2014
110-01324 viewsBenalla yard overview, broad gauge V/Line S class S 302 'Edward Henty' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 57-166, B class B 64 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-5 and V/Line T class loco T 403 with serial 67-498 a Clyde Engineering Granville NSW built EMD model G18B with stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303, point indicators.Apr 30, 2014
110-02315 viewsBenalla yard view, broad gauge V/Line S class S 302 'Edward Henty' Clyde Engineering EMD model A7 serial 57-166, stabled down Wodonga goods train 9303, ground dwarf disc signals 17 and interlocking.Apr 30, 2014
101-36232 viewsBirchip, track view, goods shed, Ascom style barley silos with Aquila annex.Apr 30, 2014
101-35195 viewsBirchip, timber derrick yard crane.Apr 30, 2014
101-34181 viewsMassey, radio repeater site.Apr 30, 2014
101-33182 viewsMassey, collapsed dwelling.Apr 30, 2014
101-32181 viewsMassey, Geelong style silos complex with steel annexes and horizontal grain bunker, complex overview rail side.Apr 30, 2014
101-31177 viewsMassey, location sign.Apr 30, 2014
101-30185 viewsLitchfield, Geelong style silos complex with steel annexes and horizontal grain bunker, overview, road side.Apr 30, 2014
101-29191 viewsLitchfield, Geelong style silos complex with steel annexes and horizontal grain bunker, overview, rail side.Apr 30, 2014
101-28174 viewsLitchfield location sign.Apr 30, 2014
101-27254 viewsDonald, V/Line Freightgate, rail tractors RT class RT 53 and RT 7, RT 7 originally built new by the Victorian Railways at Newport Workshops in October 1957 and issued to Terang. RT 53 was converted from a I class waggon by Ballarat North Workshops in October 1975.Apr 30, 2014
101-26195 viewsDonald loco depot, fuel point, silhouette of locos.Apr 30, 2014
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