Pilbara Railways Image Collection

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162-1-14161 viewsHealesville, yard overview looking north goods shed on the right, station building and platform in the distance, loco compound at right.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-13149 viewsHealesville, yard view looking south from station towards goods shed.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-12147 viewsHealesville, station building and platform, shows waiting area.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-11131 viewsHealesville, station yard view looking south, station building and platform, yard overview, freshly repainted GY type four wheel waggon in yard.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-10152 viewsHealesville, station yard view looking south, station building and platform, yard overview, freshly repainted GY type four wheel waggon in yard.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-09154 viewsHealesville, Victorian Railways 20 ft N 20 goods shed, detail view of underside of roof from southern side.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-08148 viewsHealesville, goods shed, shows vehicle loaded dock and stumps, Nissan Urvan.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-07143 viewsHealesville, Victorian Railways 20 ft N 20 goods shed, western wall elevation and loading platform.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-06145 viewsHealesville, goods loading platform and ramp adjoined to Victorian Railways 20 ft N 20 goods shed.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-05151 viewsHealesville, front view elevation of goods shed with fenced off compound with track machines, yard tracks in foreground.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-04135 viewsHealesville, western wall and loading platform, in very poor condition, Victorian Railways 20 ft goods shed.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-03138 viewsHealesville, detail view of goods shed, eastern wall, footing and stump arrangement.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-02156 viewsHealesville, view of goods shed, eastern side elevation and loading platform, fenced off compound with track machines, standard Victorian Railways 20 ft goods shed.Apr 30, 2014
162-1-01792 viewsHealesville, view of goods shed, eastern side and loading platform, fenced off compound with track machines, standard Victorian Railways 20 ft goods shed.Apr 30, 2014
131-1-26112 viewsBurraboi track view, looking towards Balranald.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-2599 viewsBurraboi station yard overview, looking south from Balranald end, points and derail lever, rice storage complex on the right, new Aquila silo complex on the left, grain waggons.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-2496 viewsBurraboi Aquila silo complex, V/Line Grain bogie grain waggons, looking south.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-2396 viewsBurraboi Aquila silo complex, V/Line Grain bogie grain waggons, looking south.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-2295 viewsWakool yard overview, station building, 318 km post, radio repeater, XF Ford Falcon ute.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-21141 viewsWakool yard overview, looking towards Ascom silo complex, crossing sign.Apr 29, 2014
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