Pilbara Railways Image Collection

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131-1-20112 viewsWakool, loading platform, loading contraption, sheds.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-19138 viewsWakool station building.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-18143 viewsWakool yard overview, sleeper waggons, gang camp portable dwellings, station building at left, looking south.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-17131 viewsWakool yard overview from north end points, point lever, looking south.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-16132 viewsWakool yard overview looking south towards Barnes, station building, silo complex in background, loading ramp and sheds at right.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-15149 viewsShaws Creek bridge, high water.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-14152 viewsWakool River bridge, high water.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-13145 viewsBarnes signal box, point and signal levers, interlocking, track view.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-12141 viewsBarnes, track view, looking south from junction points, searchlight and semaphore signals, signal and point levers, standing on the Deniliquin line, Balranald line at right.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-11134 viewsBarnes, track view, looking south, searchlight and semaphore signals, location sign.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-10143 viewsBarnes, track view, Balranald line to the left, Deniliquin line to the right.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-09145 viewsEchuca yard overview, looking south from points for Toolamba line, mainline to Melbourne, signal post 4 in background, Sidings A on right and Sidings B on left, work gang site and cement siding visible on left.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-08140 viewsEchuca yard overview, looking north, V/Line broad gauge class leaders of the H class H 1 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-629 and the X class X 31 Clyde Engineering EMD model G16C serial 66-484, goods shed, station building, water tower at right, point levers, track work.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-07146 viewsEchuca, examiners siding, V/Line VHGF type bogie grain waggon, grounded B van.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-06151 viewsEchuca yard, broad gauge V/Line X class leader X 31 Clyde Engineering EMD model G16C serial 66-484.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-05130 viewsEchuca yard overview, looking south from dock area of station, water tower, track view.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-04153 viewsEchuca yard, broad gauge V/Line H class leader H 1 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-629.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-02137 viewsEchuca yard, broad gauge V/Line H class leader H 1 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-629.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-03155 viewsEchuca yard, broad gauge V/Line H class leader H 1 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-629.Apr 29, 2014
131-1-01152 viewsEchuca yard, broad gauge V/Line H class leader H 1 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-629, sleeper waggon.Apr 29, 2014
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