Pilbara Railways Image Collection

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131-1-00157 viewsEchuca yard, broad gauge V/Line X class leader X 31 Clyde Engineering EMD model G16C serial 66-484.Apr 29, 2014
150-34131 viewsLismore, yard view looking towards Gheringhap across Gnarpurt Road.Apr 29, 2014
150-33107 viewsLismore goods loading ramp located at the Melbourne end of the yard, taken looking west from No. 1 road, across, platform on goods loop or No. 3 road.Apr 29, 2014
150-3299 viewsLismore station yard overview from Melbourne end, goods loading platform on No.3 road at left, grain bunker in the distance, station building on the right, taken from No.1 road.Apr 29, 2014
150-31100 viewsLismore station building front elevation, looking across three yard tracks, building still used for safeworking purposes.Apr 29, 2014
150-30100 viewsLismore Victorian Oats Pool grain bunker and road transport discharge bay, looking towards Maroona.Apr 29, 2014
150-2996 viewsLismore station yard and building overview, roofless ablution block and station building.Apr 29, 2014
150-28113 viewsLismore, cattle loading ramp showing race side gates and sliding cut off gate.Apr 29, 2014
150-2797 viewsLismore, view of cattle holding yard from loading race.Apr 29, 2014
150-26107 viewsLismore, view of cattle yarding and chute ramp onto loading race.Apr 29, 2014
150-25102 viewsLismore, sheep loading race and platform, tow tier loading race, shows the lower chute into the race.Apr 29, 2014
150-24107 viewsLismore, view of the sheep yarding from the top of the loading race, bottom race chute is on the right of frame.Apr 29, 2014
150-23100 viewsLismore, sheep loading race and platform, tow tier loading race, doors on front are hinged to drop down to waggon entry points.Apr 29, 2014
150-22112 viewsLismore, sheep loading race and platform, front elevation view, yards to the right rear, cattle ramp on the right.Apr 29, 2014
150-21107 viewsLismore, cattle load ramp and platform, front elevation view, yards behind.Apr 29, 2014
150-20148 viewsLismore station yard overview from Maroona end of goods loop looking east, station building at left on No. 1 road, taken from goods loop points on No.2 road, point lever, stock yards and races with grain bunker behind.Apr 29, 2014
150-19148 viewsLismore mainline trailable point machine located at the Melbourne end of the yard, set for left hand lay onto No.2 road, shows interlocking and manual lever.Apr 29, 2014
150-18154 viewsLismore, station yard and stock loading race, sheep race closest to camera with cattle race behind, looking towards Maroona from No. 1 road, V/Line broad gauge Adelaide bound goods train 9169 exiting No. 2 and re-joining the mainline through the trailable points.Apr 29, 2014
150-17155 viewsLismore, station yard and Victorian Oats Pool bunker, looking towards Maroona from goods loading ramp, V/Line broad gauge C classes C 506 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-829 and C 510 serial 76-833 leading Adelaide bound goods train 9169 along No. 2 road past the grain bunker, the goods loop or No. 3 road is closest to camera.Apr 29, 2014
150-16212 viewsLismore, station yard and building, looking towards Melbourne from goods loading ramp, V/Line broad gauge C classes C 506 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-829 and C 510 serial 76-833 leading Adelaide bound goods train 9169 along No. 2 road past the station building, the goods loop or No. 3 road is closest to camera.Apr 29, 2014
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