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146-07152 viewsSeymour, rationalised broad gauge yard view with stabled Wodonga goods 9303 behind V/Line X class X 47 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-794, side view.Apr 29, 2014
146-06211 viewsSeymour, rationalised broad gauge yard view with stabled Wodonga goods train 9303, behind V/Line X class X 47 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-794 and T class T 409 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-625.Apr 29, 2014
146-05213 viewsSeymour loco depot, broad gauge V/Line B class B 80 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-21 with the stabled 'scratch set' passenger consist.Apr 29, 2014
146-04145 viewsSeymour loco depot, broad gauge V/Line B class B 80 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-21 fuel tank and battery box detail.Apr 29, 2014
146-03155 viewsSeymour loco depot, broad gauge V/Line B class B 80 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-21 cab door detail.Apr 29, 2014
146-02161 viewsSeymour loco depot, broad gauge V/Line B class B 80 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-21 side view.Apr 29, 2014
146-01157 viewsSeymour loco depot, broad gauge V/Line CP type bogie guards van 294 CP, the CP van was built in June 1957 by AE Goodwin NSW as CP 6, August 1985 reclassified to VVCP 6 and then 1987 to 294 CP. Side view, on the scratch set.Apr 29, 2014
145-30170 viewsWallan, down broad gauge Seymour pass hauled by V/Line N class N 455 'City of Swan Hill' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1223 and veteran B class B 76 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-17 with a H set, trailing view, shows discs removed off signal post 15 due to new crossover located near Boundary Rd.Apr 29, 2014
145-29153 viewsWallan, down broad gauge Seymour pass hauled by V/Line N class N 455 'City of Swan Hill' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1223 and veteran B class B 76 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial ML2-17.Apr 29, 2014
145-28136 viewsWallan, down broad gauge Seymour passenger train hauled by V/Line N class N 455 'City of Swan Hill' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1223, gangers trolley shed at right, semaphore signal post 4 pulled off, station building behind and elevated signal box on platform two and waiting room at left.Apr 29, 2014
145-27148 viewsWallan Loop, south end of standard gauge loop, V/Line G class G 518 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1231 leads the up Inter-Capital Daylight, shows both up home searchlight signal masts.Apr 29, 2014
145-26143 viewsWallan, up broad gauge passenger train under the power of V/Line N class N 454 'City of Horsham' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1222 rolls through the platform, V/Line gang camp behind platform.Apr 29, 2014
145-25135 viewsWallan, down broad gauge passenger train hauled by V/Line N class N 469 'City of Morwell' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1198 and N set past the remains of disc signal post 15, at left is the 'Gang Camp' area with sound proofing wall.Apr 29, 2014
145-24111 viewsWallan Loop, north end of standard gauge loop, broad gauge tracks in front, V/Line G class G 522 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1235 is crossing Boundary Rd with a down north bound goods.Apr 29, 2014
145-23120 viewsWallan, Boundary Rd crossing, V/Line broad gauge N class N 466 'City of Warrnambool' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 86-1195 leads a 5 car Z set on a down pass, the standard gauge tracks and up home signal for Wallan Loop are on the left.Apr 29, 2014
145-22105 viewsWallan Loop, trailing view of down standard gauge goods, showing standard gauge V/Line VCSX type bogie coil steel waggons in consist, broad gauge lines on the left, taken from Boundary Rd crossing.Apr 29, 2014
145-21152 viewsWallan Loop, north end of standard gauge loop, V/Line G class G 526 model JT26C-2SS serial 88-1256 leads V/Line 3rd series X class with a down Albury bound goods pass under the signal gantry, broad gauge lines in the foreground.Apr 29, 2014
145-20137 viewsWallan, new crossover installed north of existing station, standard gauge crossing loop on the right, Boundary Rd crossing in the distance, looking north.Apr 29, 2014
145-19158 viewsWallan elevated signal box overview, broad gauge V/Line N class N 471 'City of Benalla' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1200 leads an up express passenger service with N set as the signaller watches through the window of the elevated signal box.Apr 29, 2014
145-18154 viewsWallan Loop, north end, standard gauge V/Line G class G 521 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1234 leads a north bound down goods through near Boundary Rd.Apr 29, 2014
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