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137-2-11157 viewsAlbury station yard overview, standard gauge NSWSRA candy liveried 48 class 4889 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3420-4 shunts an arrival from Melbourne, the broad gauge 'trans-shipping yard' is to the left of the louvre vans, and a broad gauge track is directly to the left of the loco, ALCo smoke, signal gantry, station platform, shunter on ground.Apr 29, 2014
137-2-10199 viewsAlbury station yard overview, standard gauge NSWSRA candy liveried 48 class 4889 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3420-4 shunts an arrival from Melbourne at Albury, two V/Line VCSX class bogie coil steel waggons lead the consist, the container waggons are being cut off.Apr 29, 2014
137-2-09152 viewsAlbury station yard overview, standard gauge NSWSRA candy liveried 48 class 4889 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3420-4 shunts an arrival from Melbourne, the broad gauge 'trans-shipping yard' is to the left of the louvre vans, and a broad gauge diamond is directly in front of the loco.Apr 29, 2014
137-2-08157 viewsAlbury station yard overview, standard gauge NSWSRA candy liveried 48 class 4889 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3420-4 shunts an arrival from Melbourne, the mixed gauge 'trans-shipping yard' is to the left of the louvre vans, and the broad gauge loop is directly to the left of the loco, the track between the two white signal posts is the broad gauge lead to the sidings on the west side of Albury yard.Apr 29, 2014
137-2-07176 viewsAlbury station yard view, V/Line standard gauge G class G 518 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1231 running light engine to loco having bought a goods train up from Melbourne past Albury Station Signal Box, the broad gauge diamond is in the middle of the frame.Apr 29, 2014
137-2-06160 viewsAlbury station yard overview, standard gauge V/Line G class G 518 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1231 raises the dust as it cuts off the down goods train, the unit will head to loco, to the left of G 518 is the broad gauge goods loop.Apr 29, 2014
137-2-05193 viewsAlbury station yard view, V/Line standard gauge locomotive G class G 518, Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1231, has arrived with a down goods from Melbourne and waits to cut off as was the standard practice of the era, NSW will then re-marshall the consist for the trip to Sydney.Apr 29, 2014
137-2-04171 viewsAlbury station yard overview, standard gauge V/Line G class loco G 518 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1231 has just arrived with down goods from Melbourne, the G class will cut off and run to loco. Immediately to the left of the G class is the broad gauge goods loop.Apr 29, 2014
137-2-03167 viewsAlbury station yard view looking south, NSWSRA 48 class loco 4889 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3420-4 in candy livery shunts back into the Albury trans-shipping yard, the broad gauge track is running along side the loco.Apr 29, 2014
137-2-01176 viewsAlbury south yard, V/Line broad gauge VKOX type bogie slab steel waggon VKOX 7, runs between Albury and Long Island steel mill. The slabs are trans-shipped here in Albury from standard gauge trains to broad gauge trains. This traffic eventually went to standard gauge all the way to Melbourne, it is now trans-shipped there.Apr 29, 2014
137-2-02166 viewsAlbury station yard view, NSWSRA 48 class loco 4889 AE Goodwin ALCo model DL531 serial G3420-4 shunts near the station building with an NDMF class bogie guards van NDMF 1446, V/Line G class G 521 is in the background.Apr 29, 2014
137-1-25143 viewsAlbury loco depot, V/Line standard gauge loco G class G 521 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1234 rests between jobs, the road to the turntable is to the left of the loco, behind it is a NSW shunters float and guards van.Apr 29, 2014
137-1-24114 viewsAlbury loco depot fuel point, standard gauge NSWSRA 81 class locos 8170 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 85-1089 and 8159 serial 84-1078 receive attention.Apr 29, 2014
137-1-23177 viewsAlbury loco depot fuel point, standard gauge NSWSRA 81 class locos 8159 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 84-1078 and 8170 serial 85-1089 receive attention.Apr 29, 2014
137-1-22117 viewsGlenrowan station overview looking south from the former platform or No.1 Rd towards Melbourne, only the broad gauge mainline and standard gauge crossing loop at left remain, station building and platform on the right.Apr 29, 2014
137-1-21160 viewsGlenrowan looking north, with all the interlocking having been decommissioned some moths ago, the platform road has been removed, with just the mainline and standard gauge loop remaining. From the far right of the image is the standard gauge loop, then the broad gauge mainline. From where the image was shot is the platform or No.2 Rd, with the goods loop at left with the siding leading up the embankment to the former stock race, now a grain receival site. The remains of disc signal post 8 and semaphore post 7 (with co-acting arms) and a pile of point rodding are in the middle of frame.Apr 29, 2014
137-1-20209 viewsBenalla, Nunn Street level crossing, standard gauge V/Line Hi-Rail truck doing the inspection run thing north bound.Apr 29, 2014
137-1-19204 viewsBenalla station yard overview, Benalla signal box A and up home departure semaphore signal posts 7 and 7B looking south across Nunn St towards Melbourne.Apr 29, 2014
137-1-18213 viewsBenalla loco depot 70 foot turntable, this turntable came from Dynon, and the former Benalla electric table was sent there, this location once boasted a large roundhouse as well.Apr 29, 2014
137-1-17206 viewsBenalla, Yarrawonga line, points to Siding J spiked normal, Pivot depot on the right, up home semaphore signal post 33 for the Wodonga line is in the middle of frame, semaphore signal post 29, up home Yarrawonga line is visible near the Pivot shed.Apr 29, 2014
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