Pilbara Railways Image Collection

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129-2-20131 viewsKorumburra yard overview, looking up direction towards Melbourne from the middle of the yard, tracks removed, points spiked reverse.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-19167 viewsKorumburra station yard overview, showing Freightgate canopy, sleeper waggons, goods shed behind, looking in the down direction.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-18156 viewsKorumburra goods shed.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-17167 viewsKorumburra track view, looking in the down direction from underneath Bridge Street, former Outtrim - Coal Creek line with baulks on right, Port Albert - Yarram line curving around to the left, points, points and signal lever with interlocking and rodding.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-16154 viewsKorumburra yard overview, looking down direction on No. 2 Road, No 1 Road on the left with loco tracks branching off mainline curving towards the bridge in the distance.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-15168 viewsNyora yard view, old stock yard on left, looking down direction east across Poowong Road towards Korumburra.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-14185 viewsNyora station building overview, track view looking up direction.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-12177 viewsNyora, 70' turntable deck and pit, radial roads, former loco depot.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-13178 viewsNyora track view, semaphore signal post 1 down home, water tank, looking down direction towards Nyora, loco depot track in the cutting at left.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-11182 viewsNyora, 70' turntable deck and pit, radial roads, former loco depot.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-10177 viewsNyora, four turntable radial roads and ash pits, former loco depot, mainline in the background.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-09163 viewsNyora plunger locked 'C' points, Melbourne end of yard, point and signal levers with interlocking, large disc is the plunger indicator.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-08169 viewsNyora yard overview, looking in the up direction towards Melbourne, right road leads to turntable, water tank, tracks removed, double compound points.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-06156 viewsLang Lang yard overview, looking towards Melbourne up direction, up home departure semaphore signal, track removed.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-07170 viewsLang Lang station yard overview, looking in the down direction towards Nyora from Melbourne end of yard, points and points and signal levers with interlocking, semaphore signal post, goods shed and station in the background.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-05177 viewsLang Lang station building overview, front elevation.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-04177 viewsLang Lang station yard, goods shed.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-03187 viewsLang Lang up home semaphore signal.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-02181 viewsLang Lang yard overview, looking up towards Melbourne from up end points, point and signal levers and interlocking.Apr 29, 2014
129-2-00181 viewsLang Lang station building overview.Apr 29, 2014
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