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107-22181 viewsEchuca yard view, Sidings A at left, weighbridge track and Ricegrowers Co-op at right, sign for weighbridge, broad gauge V/Line Grain VHGF and VHHF type bogie grain waggons.Apr 25, 2014
107-21206 viewsEchuca yard view, Sidings A, broad gauge V/Line Grain VHHF type bogie grain waggon VHHF 876 side view.Apr 25, 2014
107-20213 viewsEchuca station yard view, Sidings B and cement siding, broad gauge V/Line Grain VHGF type bogie grain waggons, VHGF 405 built new in October 1984 by V/Line Ballarat North Workshops as a VHGY type, recoded in 1988.Apr 25, 2014
107-19289 viewsEchuca station yard overview looking south, cement siding at left, rakes of bogie grain waggons, semaphore signal post 4, and Ricegrowers Co-Op Mills sidings and more bogie grain waggons on the right, taken in between the Toolamba and Bendigo lines.Apr 25, 2014
107-18264 viewsEchuca turntable deck and pit, looking south.Apr 25, 2014
107-16272 viewsEchuca station yard overview, train examiners siding and brake pit, former B type fixed wheel louvre van B 10 grounded, looking south, converted from an 1924 era I type open waggon I 15052, converted to HD in November 1958 and in June 1989 placed here.Apr 25, 2014
107-17258 viewsEchuca turntable deck and pit, looking south.Apr 25, 2014
107-15282 viewsTongala station yard overview looking north, departure searchlight signal.Apr 25, 2014
107-14271 viewsTongala town concrete water tower and treatment plant, taken from station yard.Apr 25, 2014
107-12300 viewsTongala station yard, Nestle factory siding with staff locked points looking north, 20 MPH speed board.Apr 25, 2014
107-13279 viewsTongala Nestle factory siding looking from station yard.Apr 25, 2014
107-10301 viewsTongala station yard overview south end, looking north.Apr 25, 2014
107-11283 viewsTongala station yard, goods platform and loading crane, weighbridge scale room in background.Apr 25, 2014
107-09294 viewsTongala station, former old platform, looking north.Apr 25, 2014
107-08303 viewsTongala station yard, goods platform and loading crane, looking south.Apr 25, 2014
107-07315 viewsTongala station yard overview factory siding with staff locked points on the left beyond former old platform, looking north.Apr 25, 2014
107-06304 viewsTongala station yard overview looking south, old former platform on right.Apr 25, 2014
107-04328 viewsKyabram track view, buried rails for Kyabram Fruit Packers siding, Southern Can Company on the left, looking towards Echuca.Apr 25, 2014
107-05342 viewsKyabram track view, rails for Kyabram Fruit Packers siding, Kyabram Co-op Fruit Preserving Company on the right, looking towards Kyabram.Apr 25, 2014
107-02332 viewsKyabram track view, Kyabram Co-op Fruit Preserving Company and Southern Can Company sidings and factory gates, point rodding and derailer.Apr 25, 2014
16524 files on 827 page(s) 781

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