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176-11143 viewsWodonga, V/Line standard gauge up goods train passing the Wodonga Coal Sidings behind the G class G 524 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1237 and C class C 505 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-828 combination, broad gauge track on the left, and the former broad gauge line to Bandiana and Cudgewa curving around to the right.Apr 17, 2014
176-09147 viewsWodonga, V/Line standard gauge up goods train passing the Wodonga Coal Sidings behind the G class G 524 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1237 and C class C 505 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-828 combination, broad gauge track on the left, and the former broad gauge line to Bandiana and Cudgewa curving around to the right.Apr 17, 2014
176-10135 viewsWodonga, V/Line standard gauge up goods train passing the Wodonga Coal Sidings behind the G class G 524 Clyde Engineering EMD model JT26C-2SS serial 86-1237 and C class C 505 Clyde Engineering EMD model GT26C serial 76-828 combination, broad gauge track on the left, and the former broad gauge line to Bandiana and Cudgewa curving around to the right.Apr 17, 2014
176-08148 viewsWodonga, V/Line standard gauge up goods train passing the Wodonga Coal Sidings behind a G and C class combination, broad gauge track on the left, and the former broad gauge line to Bandiana and Cudgewa curving around to the right.Apr 17, 2014
176-07145 viewsYarrawonga, station building and platform overview, signal levers at left of building.Apr 17, 2014
176-06145 viewsYarrawonga station yard overview looking south, super phosphate shed and Williamstown style silo complex on the left, station building and platform in the middle distance, and GEB sub-terminal silo complex on the right.Apr 17, 2014
176-05152 viewsYarrawonga, super phosphate unloading contraption.Apr 17, 2014
176-04145 viewsYarrawonga station yard overview, looking south, Grain Elevators Board H style horizontal storage bunker at left, goods shed and platform, station building in the distance, V/Line Grain broad gauge VHGF type bogie grain waggons, Grain Elevators Board Ascom style sub-terminal silo complex, with gravitational loading road at right.Apr 17, 2014
176-03143 viewsYarrawonga, yard view looking north across Orr Street grade crossing towards Oaklands, Pivot super phosphate storage shed and loading conveyor.Apr 17, 2014
176-02139 viewsYarrawonga station yard overview looking south, track work and points, station building at left, V/Line Grain broad gauge VHGF type bogie grain waggons, Grain Elevators Board sub-terminal Ascom style silo complex on the right.Apr 17, 2014
176-01142 viewsYarrawonga, yard view with Grain Elevators Board sub-terminal Ascom style silo complex, surge hopper and train load-out spout, V/Line Grain broad gauge VHGF class bogie grain waggons, station building and platform at left, looking south.Apr 17, 2014
175-25118 viewsCosgrove, yard overview of Williamstown style silo complex with a steel annex beside it, mainline on the left.Apr 17, 2014
175-2491 viewsPine Lodge, Williamstown style silo complex water tank on stand.Apr 17, 2014
175-23100 viewsPine Lodge, view of road receival point, or truck unloading dump point for a Williamstown style silo complex, GEB sampling gantry, with super phosphate shed in the background, road vehicle weighbridge visible on the right.Apr 17, 2014
175-22100 viewsPine Lodge, view of top of Williamstown style silo complex with the top of the elevator tower.Apr 17, 2014
175-21125 viewsPine Lodge, yard view looking towards Shepparton, elevation of Williamstown style silo complex with super phosphate shed beyond it on the right.Apr 17, 2014
175-20154 viewsPine Lodge, yard overview looking towards Shepparton from the 195 km post, mainline on the left, site of former station and platform on the left, Williamstown style silo complex with super phosphate shed beyond it on the right.Apr 17, 2014
175-19134 viewsPine Lodge, track view looking at load-out spouts on Williamstown style silo complex, staff / storage shed.Apr 17, 2014
175-18141 viewsPine Lodge, track view looking at load-out spout on Williamstown style silo complex.Apr 17, 2014
175-17147 viewsPine Lodge, track view looking at load-out spouts on Williamstown style silo complex, staff / storage shed.Apr 17, 2014
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