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105-09297 viewsWallan, gangers trolley shed, front side elevation.Feb 10, 1991

105-08349 viewsWallan, broad gauge V/Line N class loco N 456 'City of Colac' with serial 85-1224 a Clyde Engineering Somerton Victoria built EMD model JT22HC-2 arrives with an up Albury passenger train, gangers trolley shed, crib crossing and semaphore signal post 12 for down movements.Feb 10, 1991

105-07467 viewsWallan, broad gauge named V/Line A class loco A 71 'Dick Reynolds' with serial 83-1180 a Clyde Engineering Rosewater SA rebuild EMD model AAT22C-2R rebuilt from V/Line B class loco B 71 with serial ML2-12 a Clyde Engineering Granville NSW built EMD model ML2 with a Z set work down Cobram passenger train 8327 express through the station past semaphore signal post 12.Feb 01, 1991

105-06430 viewsWallan station platform, V/Line broad gauge T class T 410 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18B serial 68-626 roars past the up platform with the up Wodonga oil train 9224 at 1845 hrs, Plasser tamper in back road.Feb 01, 1991

105-05337 viewsWallan, V/Line broad gauge P class P 14 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18HBR serial 84-1208 rebuilt from T 330 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-85 departs with down passenger train 8323 and H set.Feb 01, 1991

105-04329 viewsWallan, V/Line broad gauge P class P 14 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18HBR serial 84-1208 rebuilt from T 330 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-85 stands at the down platform with passenger train 8323, station building at right, gangers trolley shed and elevated signal box, semaphore signal post 12 pulled off for the move.Feb 01, 1991

105-03361 viewsWallan, V/Line broad gauge N class N 473 'City of Warragul' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 87-1202 with N set on a down pass, redundant disc signal post 11 at left with searchlight signal post 9 above locomotive.Feb 01, 1991

105-02422 viewsWallan, V/Line broad gauge P class P 17 Clyde Engineering EMD model G18HBR serial 84-1216 rebuilt from T 327 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 56-78 with a Victorian Railways 'Tea Cup' liveried H set with V/Line decals, down passenger train 8319, disc signal post 11 for removed Sidings B, worked out from this shot that on this angle, a P class and H set won't fit between the disc post and light post!!Feb 01, 1991

104-24230 viewsWallan, V/Line broad gauge VFLX type bogie bulk end flat waggon VFLX?? loaded with rail and a VLBY type bogie louvre van on No.3 Rd. The VFLX is fitted with a lashing rail, possibly ex SFX / VFMX panelboard flat waggon.Nov 24, 1990

104-23206 viewsWallan, V/Line broad gauge track machine with asset number 6-52-014, Plasser Beaver tamper model 79-800W track tamper on No.3 Rd, point rodding, standard gauge loop in background.Nov 24, 1990

104-22184 viewsWallan, gangers trolley shed, semaphore signal post 12, looking from up platform, water tank in background.Nov 24, 1990

104-21200 viewsWallan, gangers trolley shed, view from rear.Nov 24, 1990

104-20345 viewsWallan station overview looking in a down direction, broad gauge V/Line N class loco N 465 'City of Ballaarat' with serial 86-1194 a Clyde Engineering Somerton Victoria built EMD model JT22HC-2 and N set with an up Albury pass, signaller watches from the elevated signal box built in 1916 with a 40 lever A pattern frame replacing a 20 lever frame on the Down platform.Nov 24, 1990

104-19339 viewsWallan Loop, standard gauge V/Line G class loco G 515 with serial 85-1243 a Clyde Engineering Rosewater SA built EMD model JT26C-2SS leads a down Albury bound goods, standard gauge gangers trolley shed on the loop line.Nov 24, 1990

104-18299 viewsWallan Loop, standard gauge searchlight signal post for up trains, far track is 'cripple road', broad gauge lines at far right, looking towards Melbourne.Nov 24, 1990

104-17308 viewsWallan, elevated signal box rear view. Built in 1916 with a 40 lever A pattern frame replacing a 20 lever frame on the Down platform. No. 3 Road is visible running behind the box.Nov 24, 1990

104-16320 viewsWallan, gangers trolley shed, front view from up line.Nov 24, 1990

104-15352 viewsBuangor, view inside signal box through window, miniature electric staff exchange machines, Buangor to Ararat machine on the left and Trawalla to Buangor machine on the right, control telephones, chart of bell codes, tins of kerosene, exchange hoops and other paraphernalia for running trains in the 19th century.Nov 17, 1990

104-14331 viewsBuangor crossing loop, yard view looking east, mechanical somersault semaphore signal post 3, Up Home, facing camera for Melbourne bound trains, mechanical somersault semaphore signal post 2, Down Home, in the distance for Ararat bound traffic.Nov 17, 1990

104-13308 viewsBuangor station building overview, front elevation of building, signal box and platform, very dark.Nov 17, 1990
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