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257-3138 viewsGoldsworthy Junction an empty train thunders through the junction behind 6000 horsepower behemoth 6072 'Hesta' serial number 51064 and built by General Electric in Erie USA in 1999 and a new built CM39-8 unit 5632 'Poseidon' by Goninan with serial number 5831-11 / 88-081. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-3028 viewsGoldsworthy Junction an empty train thunders through the junction behind 6000 horsepower behemoth 6072 'Hesta' serial number 51064 and built by General Electric in Erie USA in 1999 and a new built CM39-8 unit 5632 'Poseidon' by Goninan with serial number 5831-11 / 88-081. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2933 viewsGoldsworthy Junction looking north as an empty train approaches, the line curving in from the right in the Goldsworthy or Yarrie line. The dual searchlight signal is GJ 9 and is so positioned to allow approaching trains to see the junction signal, like a repeater. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2838 viewsGoldsworthy Junction looking north as an empty train approaches, the line curving in from the right in the Goldsworthy or Yarrie line. The dual searchlight signal is GJ 9 and is so positioned to allow approaching trains to see the junction signal, like a repeater. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2740 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, an empty train runs between the junction and the Broome Rd crossing behind the standard single locomotive 5646 'White Springs', a Goninan 1992 built GE CM40-8 model with serial number 5244-11 / 92-135. The four styles of waggon in use are visible, behind the loco are three Golynx waggons, then a number of Gunderson USA builds, the ribbed type is a Portec USA built and then following are the Tomlinson WA and Scotts of Ipswich built 70 ton waggons. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2643 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, an empty train runs between the junction and the Broome Rd crossing behind the standard single locomotive 5646 'White Springs', a Goninan 1992 built GE CM40-8 model with serial number 5244-11 / 92-135, one of a pair of new build locos financed by Goldsworthy. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2540 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, an empty train runs between the junction and the Broome Rd crossing behind the standard single locomotive 5646 'White Springs', a Goninan 1992 built GE CM40-8 model with serial number 5244-11 / 92-135. The four styles of waggon in use are visible, behind the loco are three Golynx waggons, then a number of Gunderson USA builds, the ribbed type is a Portec USA built and then following are the Tomlinson WA and Scotts of Ipswich built 70 ton waggons. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2434 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, an empty train runs between the junction and the Broome Rd crossing behind the standard single locomotive 5646 'White Springs', a Goninan 1992 built GE CM40-8 model with serial number 5244-11 / 92-135. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2341 viewsGoldsworthy Junction, an empty train runs between the junction and the Broome Rd crossing behind the standard single locomotive 5646 'White Springs', a Goninan 1992 built GE CM40-8 model with serial number 5244-11 / 92-135. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2239 viewsFlash Butt yard, the Barclay Mowlem ballast cleaning train known as the Circus Train, waggons BW-02 and DW-01 closest to camera. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2132 viewsFlash Butt yard, compressor set #5. Modified Magor USA built ore waggons to form the compressor set, used during the unloading process. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-2043 viewsFlash Butt yard Mount Newman Mining's last in-service ALCo M636 unit 5499 serial C6096-4 built by Comeng NSW awaits its fate. Late 2021.Mar 12, 2022
257-1931 viewsFlash Butt yard bogie and radiator fan drive view of Mount Newman Mining's last in-service ALCo M636 unit 5499 serial C6096-4 built by Comeng NSW awaits its fate. Late 2021.Mar 12, 2022
257-1840 viewsFlash Butt yard Mount Newman Mining's last in-service ALCo M636 unit 5499 serial C6096-4 built by Comeng NSW awaits its fate. Late 2021.Mar 12, 2022
257-1749 viewsFlash Butt yard, view of Rail Dynamics Laboratory test waggon 2703 - Test Car R2, modified by BHP from waggon number 2716 in 1975, originally a Comeng built waggon dating from 1971. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-1643 viewsFlash Butt yard, line up of retired power, the final Comeng NSW built ALCo M636 unit 5499 serial number C6096-4 in Mount Newman Mining livery and then the eight withdrawn Goninan ALCo to GE rebuild C36-7M units 5506, 5510, 5512, 5511, 5513, 5507, 5509 and 5508. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-1530 viewsFlash Butt yard, Locotrol I remote waggon 2626 which is modified from a Comeng ore waggon in the 1980s, Locotrol II remote waggon 661 modified from a Magor USA ore waggon in the late 1980s and Locotrol I remote waggon 2065 modified Comeng ore waggon in the 1980s. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-1436 viewsFlash Butt yard, Locotrol I remote waggon 2065 which is modified from a Comeng ore waggon in the 1980s, Locotrol II remote waggon 661 modified from a Magor USA ore waggon in the late 1980s and Locotrol I remote waggon 2626 modified Comeng ore waggon in the 1980s. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-1337 viewsFlash Butt yard, Locotrol II remote waggon 661 which is modified from a Magor USA ore waggon in the late 1980s with Locotrol I remote waggon 2626 modified from a Comeng ore waggon in the 1980s. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
257-1233 viewsFlash Butt yard, Locotrol I remote waggon 2065 which is modified from a Comeng ore waggon in the 1980s. Late 2001.Mar 12, 2022
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