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Last additions - Victorian negative and digital Albums
191-14155 viewsSeymour station, rationalised yard, VZCA type Sleeper Discharge Transport waggon VZCA 1 with sleeper kicker trolley on rails, recoded from QD type QD 1 in 1988, originally a TT type TT 3 built in 1890. Part of sleeper discharge train behind B class B 65.Oct 03, 2015
191-13140 viewsSeymour station, rationalised yard, V/Line broad gauge B class B 65 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial no. ML2-6 still in Victorian Railways livery on the head of a sleeper discharge train stabled in the yard.Oct 03, 2015
191-12151 viewsSeymour station, rationalised yard, V/Line broad gauge B class B 65 Clyde Engineering EMD model ML2 serial no. ML2-6 still in Victorian Railways livery on the head of a sleeper discharge train stabled in the yard.Oct 03, 2015
191-11135 viewsSeymour, looking south at the northern most Goulburn River bridge, end of Gordon Crescent, Seymour, quarry to the left. V/Line N class on UP Albury Pass on broad gauge, standard gauge on the left, Seymour behind photographer.Oct 03, 2015
191-10188 viewsSeymour, looking north, Gordon Crescent. V/Line N class N 451 'City of Portland' Clyde Engineering EMD model JT22HC-2 serial 85-1219 with UP Albury Pass on broad gauge, standard gauge line on the right.Oct 03, 2015
191-09158 viewsSeymour, looking south at the northern most Goulburn River bridge, end of Gordon Crescent Seymour, quarry to the left. V/Line G class G 519 with down Sydney Express on the standard gauge, broad gauge lines on the right, Seymour behind photographer.Oct 03, 2015
191-08133 viewsSeymour, looking south at the northern most Goulburn River bridge, end of Gordon Crescent, Seymour, quarry to the left. V/Line G class on down Sydney Express on the standard gauge, broad gauge lines on the right, Seymour behind photographer.Oct 03, 2015
191-07144 viewsSeymour station yard south end, Australian National 52 tonne capacity open waggon ROOX type ROOX 3007, recoded from AOOX, one of two hundred GOX type open waggons built by Transfield WA in between 1974 and 1976.Oct 03, 2015
191-06146 viewsSeymour station, rationalised yard, V/Line T class unit T 410 Clyde Engineering EMD model G8B serial 68-626 coupled behind A class A 66 with a stabled down Wodonga goods train, Sunday.Oct 03, 2015
191-05143 viewsSeymour station, rationalised yard, V/Line A class unit A 66 Clyde Engineering EMD rebuild model AAT22C-2R serial 84-1186 coupled to stablemate model G8B T class T 410 serial 68-626 with a stabled down Wodonga goods train, Sunday.Oct 03, 2015
191-04161 viewsSeymour station, rationalised yard, V/Line A class unit A 66 Clyde Engineering EMD rebuild model AAT22C-2R serial 84-1186 leads T class T 410 with a stabled down Wodonga goods train.Oct 03, 2015
191-03183 viewsSeymour station, rationalised yard, V/Line A class A 70 Clyde Engineering EMD rebuild model AAT22C-2R serial 84-1187, ex ML2 unit B 70 ML2-11 awaits the evening Cobram down pass.Oct 03, 2015
191-01133 viewsWandong, O'Gradys Road grade crossing, near former Mathiesons Siding, UP Melbourne Express hauled by V/Line G class.Oct 03, 2015
191-02152 viewsWandong, Road grade crossing, near former Mathiesons Siding, UP Melbourne Express behind standard early 1990s V/Line G class power of Clyde Engineering built EMD model JT26C-2SS, G 521 serial 85-1234.Oct 03, 2015
189-37180 viewsWodonga, loco depot, V/Line broad gauge Y class Y 119 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-309, long hood view on turntable radial roads.May 19, 2014
189-36150 viewsWodonga, loco depot turntable radial roads, V/Line broad gauge 2nd series X class X 38 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-701, long hood view.May 19, 2014
189-35168 viewsWodonga, loco depot turntable radial roads, V/Line broad gauge 3rd series X class X 54 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 75-801, long hood view.May 19, 2014
189-34181 viewsWodonga, loco depot turntable radial roads, V/Line broad gauge locos lined up, 2nd series X class X 38 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-701 and 3rd series X class X 54 serial 75-801 with Y class Y 119 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-309, all long hood facing camera.May 19, 2014
189-33147 viewsWodonga, loco depot turntable radial roads, V/Line broad gauge locos lined up, 2nd series X class X 38 Clyde Engineering EMD model G26C serial 70-701 and 3rd series X class X 54 serial 75-801 with Y class Y 119 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-309, all long hood facing camera.May 19, 2014
189-32152 viewsWodonga, loco depot, V/Line broad gauge Y class Y 119 Clyde Engineering EMD model G6B serial 63-309, side view on turntable radial roads, X class X 54 behind it.May 19, 2014
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