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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - non iron ore
204-04277 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, a Bowes Scott & Western Ltd of London jaw crusher.Aug 24, 2014
204-01261 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, view across creek to sealed up drive entry No. 7.Aug 24, 2014
204-02263 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, view across creek to sealed up drive entry No. 7.Aug 24, 2014
204-00308 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, sealed up drive entry No. 7.Aug 24, 2014
203-37311 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, sealed up drive entry No. 7.Aug 16, 2014
203-36288 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, former roadway over grown with sign from the National Parks Board of WA.Aug 16, 2014
203-35300 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, former roadway over grown with sign from the National Parks Board of WA.Aug 16, 2014
203-33298 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, chute to move ore down between levels. Aug 16, 2014
203-34268 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, chute to move ore down between levels. Aug 16, 2014
203-31305 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, 5 cylinder diesel motor with drive pulley and fly wheel, possibly an air compressor.Aug 16, 2014
203-32297 viewsYampire Gorge, remains of asbestos mining, 5 cylinder diesel motor with drive pulley and fly wheel, possibly an air compressor.Aug 16, 2014
203-29312 viewsDrillers Ridge, Wittenoom, Toyota HJ75, the road up to this little spot is actually sealed.Aug 16, 2014
203-30317 viewsWittenoom, town power station, still under operation by Horizon Power, formally Western Power and SECWA.Aug 16, 2014
203-26300 viewsDrillers Ridge, Wittenoom, the DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) tower was a navigation aid for the Department of Civil Aviation for the Wittenoom airport, the site was also used by Telecom for providing 'radio links' for phones into Wittenoom prior to the current tower located at the eastern edge of town which links back to Auski Roadhouse.Aug 16, 2014
203-28273 viewsDrillers Ridge, Wittenoom, Toyota HJ75, the road up to this little spot is actually sealed.Aug 16, 2014
203-27277 viewsDrillers Ridge, Wittenoom, the DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) tower was a navigation aid for the Department of Civil Aviation for the Wittenoom airport, the site was also used by Telecom for providing 'radio links' for phones into Wittenoom prior to the current tower located at the eastern edge of town which links back to Auski Roadhouse.Aug 16, 2014
198-36142 viewsPort Hedland Port, BHP Nelson Point view of A Berth looking towards Berth B with vessel being loaded on B Berth by Shiploader One.Aug 16, 2014
198-37168 viewsView of Nelson Point showing original plant, and conveyors etc.Aug 16, 2014
198-35127 viewsPort Hedland Port, BHP Nelson Point view of Berth B with vessel being loaded by Shiploader One.Aug 16, 2014
198-34141 viewsPort Hedland Port, BHP Nelson Point view of Berth B with vessel being loaded by Shiploader One.Aug 16, 2014
547 files on 28 page(s) 17

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