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Last additions - Pilbara negative and digital Albums - non iron ore
160710 iPh5S 279833 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Colonial Mine, reverse view of 2797 looking north east back over the underground railway points on the upper level with the old building frame in the background.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 279735 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Colonial Mine, underground railway points piled up on the upper level.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 279640 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Colonial Mine, looking at the south wall from the old building frame.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 279540 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Colonial Mine, looking in a west / south west direction across the upper level on the tailings to adits 27 and 28 from the old building frame.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 279441 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Colonial Mine, old build frame still standing along the north wall on the upper level.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 279345 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Colonial Mine, old air drill / hammer on the tailing at the upper level.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 279246 viewsWittenoom Gorge, natural spring, near the old Colonial Mine that feeds the native bananas. It is always a lot cooler in here than the gorge, which is cooler than town.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 279140 viewsWittenoom Gorge, near the old Colonial Mine, native banana palms. If you know, you know…Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 279039 viewsWittenoom Gorge, old exposed mine adit of the Gorge Mine, looking east, which was right up the very top of Wittenoom Gorge. Geodata.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 278950 viewsWittenoom Gorge, old exposed mine adit of the Gorge Mine which was right up the very top of Wittenoom Gorge. Geodata.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 278838 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Joffe Creek flowing with the concrete ford which carried the road over it and up to the old mine powerhouse and the Gorge Mine. Geodata.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 278735 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Pyramid Pool looking north along the western wall of the gorge. Geodata.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 278636 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Pyramid Pool looking south along the western wall of the gorge. Geodata.Mar 31, 2023
160710 iPh5S 278543 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Pyramid Pool looking south along the western wall of the gorge. Geodata.Mar 31, 2023
160708 iPh5S 278442 viewsWittenoom, view looking south at the fog hanging over Mount Watkins and the Hammersley Range from 53 Fifth Avenue Wittenoom, taken at 3:15pm, 8th of July 2016. Geodata.Mar 31, 2023
254-3091 viewsNunyerry weather station, located beside an abandoned landing strip. Chrysotile or white asbestos was originally mined in this area by Hanwright in the 1950s. GeoData location here. September 2001.Sep 12, 2021
254-2985 viewsEnroute to the former Stannum Mine, bogged in a tributary of the Yule River, looking east, the way we came in. GeoData location here. September 2001.Sep 12, 2021
254-2883 viewsEnroute to the former Stannum Mine, bogged in a tributary of the Yule River, looking west. GeoData location here. September 2001. September 2001.Sep 12, 2021
254-1282 viewsGreen Tank Pool, August 2001. Geodata location here.Sep 12, 2021
254-1181 viewsGreen Tank Pool, August 2001. Geodata location here.Sep 12, 2021
547 files on 28 page(s) 2

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