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160102 9813135 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Town Pool in Joffre Creek just south of the Colonial Mine. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160102 9812147 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Town Pool in Joffre Creek just south of the Colonial Mine. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160102 9811143 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Town Pool in Joffre Creek just south of the Colonial Mine. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 DJI 0019185 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view from above looking north over the former settlement, tailings from East Gorge visible on the right and Club Pool where the tree line ends in the middle. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 DJI 0017162 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view from above the Gorge Mine area and pool, looking north east, campers at pool, the drive can be seen cutting up the left side of the gorge, foot print of mine and building area clearly visible. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 DJI 0015147 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view from above the Gorge Mine area and pool, looking north east, campers at pool, the drive can be seen cutting up the left side of the gorge. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 DJI 0013182 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view from above the Gorge Mine area and pool, looking south west, campers at pool, the track continues on for a little further than here, and then foot access can be gained into gorge in Karijini National Park. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 DJI 0010164 viewsWittenoom Gorge, view from above East Gorge looking north west with the tailings stacked up the gorge and the remains of the settlement in the middle, Wittenoom is out the top right corner. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 DJI 0008147 viewsWittenoom Gorge, at the end of Bolitho Rd neat the former settlement looking south west towards the Gorge Mine, power station was located on cut to the left above the tree line. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 DJI 0006175 viewsWittenoom Gorge, looking down on the pool in Joffre Creek between fourth and fifth crossings. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 DJI 0004155 viewsWittenoom Gorge, looking north from fifth crossing, pool in Joffre Creek. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 DJI 0002173 viewsWittenoom Gorge, looking north across fourth crossing back along Bolitho Rd, pool in Joffre Creek. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 9810156 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, concrete footings and foundations for the now removed milling plant, drive visible in the background, looking north east. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 9809153 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, concrete footings and foundations for the now removed milling plant, drive visible in the background. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 9808161 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, asbestos mining remains, concrete footings and foundations for the now removed milling plant, drive visible in the background. Geodata.Jan 03, 2016

160101 9807155 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, looking north west, at the old waggon dump area and workshops. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016

160101 9806146 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, looking north, the drive is visible cutting through to the right. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016

160101 9805153 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, looking north, the line of the drive is visible and in the middle background is adit #6. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016

160101 9804152 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, looking north west, at the old waggon dump area and workshops. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016

160101 9803146 viewsWittenoom Gorge, Gorge Mine area, old building slabs and foundations looking east. GeoData.Jan 03, 2016
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