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Last additions - Western Australian Negative and Digital Albums
160524 4053105 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKLY 20981 container waggon, built by EPT NSW in 1980-81 as an NODY, open waggon before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998, loaded with two 20' Pacific National Royal Wolf containers RWLU 815017 and 814910.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4051101 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, NQFF 21529 container waggon, built by EPT NSW in 1975-76 as CFX type, loaded with three blue butter box containers, was also coded NQFX.Jun 27, 2016
160524 405292 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, NQYY 20897 container waggon, originally built by EPT NSW in 1980-81 as an NODY open waggon before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998. Two 20' Pacific National Royal Wolf containers RWLU 814956 and 814895.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4050114 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKXF 60205 empty jumbo steel plate waggon, originally a NSW BCX type 75 foot long flat waggon built by Comeng NSW in 1971-72 with code BCX 21810. Other codes carried were NFBX, NQBX and NQDX, NKDX then RKXX before 70 tonne bogies were fitted in 1995 for the current code. 24th May 2016.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4049114 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKYY type wide steel plate tilt waggon RKYY 7109, one of twenty seven units built by AN Rail Islington Workshops in 1995-96. Returning east empty.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4048105 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKQF 60243, empty slab steel waggon, originally a Tulloch NSW built louvre van type JLY/X from 1969-70, NLJY/X, converted at Bathurst Workshops to NQRX in 1988, then in 1989/90 to NKQF.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4047109 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKQF 60229, empty slab steel waggon, originally a Tulloch NSW built louvre van type JLY/X from 1969-70, NLJY/X, converted at Bathurst Workshops to NQRX in 1988, then in 1989/90 to NKQF.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4045160 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKVY 8002, empty tilt bed plate steel waggon, one of five built by Goninan Bassendean WA in 2011.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4046113 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKQF 60273, empty slab steel waggon, originally a Tulloch NSW built louvre van type JLY/X from 1969-70, NLJY/X, converted at Bathurst Workshops to NQRX in 1988, then in 1989/90 to NKQF.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4044106 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RQIY 10157 butter box containers, container waggon built by Goninan NSW in 1980-81 as type NQIY.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4043100 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKMY 51, originally an ELX waggon, heavily modified to cart butter boxes, possibly ex Victorian Railways ELX / VOBX waggon 1961-63 vintage.Jun 27, 2016
160524 404196 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKMY 327, originally an ELX waggon, heavily modified to cart butter boxes, possibly ex Victorian Railways ELX / VOBX waggon 1969-70 vintage.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4042100 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, NQYY 20444 with two butter box containers RH296 and RH22, NQYY 20444 originally built by EPT NSW in 1977-78 as an BDY type open waggon, recoded to NODY after 1979, before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998 to the current guise.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4040100 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKLY 20512 with two butter box containers RH139 with new lid RH307 and RH250. Originally built by EPT NSW in 1977-78 as an BDY type open waggon before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998. Also coded NODY, NCMY and RCMY prior to 1998.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4039114 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKMY 61 carrying two butter box coil steel containers RH113 and RH-95, recently recoded from RKMX type, originally an ELF type waggon built by Victorian Railways Newport Workshops in 1962, several re-codes, ELX in 1964, VOCX in 1980, VOBX in 1983, ROBX in 1994, RKCX in 1995.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4038102 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RQIY 10177 container waggon built by Goninan NSW in 1980-81 as part of a batch of fifty as NQIY type container waggons, loaded with two RH type 'butter box' or coil steel containers RH203 and RH212.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4037110 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKLY 20565 with two butter box containers RH267 and RH415, originally built by EPT NSW in 1977-78 as an BDY type open waggon before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998. Was also coded RKDY prior to 1998.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4036109 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, NQTY 20314 with two butter box containers RH527 and RH378, originally built by EPT NSW in 1979-81 as an BDY type open waggon before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998, was also coded NOJY and NKJY prior to 1998.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4035118 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKLY 20202 with two butter box containers RH109 and RH144, originally built by EPT NSW in 1979-81 as an BDY type open waggon before being heavily modified by ANI Engineering in 1998, was also coded NKHY, RKHY prior to 1998.Jun 27, 2016
160524 4034123 viewsBinduli, Melbourne bound steel train service 3PM4, RKMY 57, recently recoded from RKMX, originally an ELX waggon, heavily modified to cart butter boxes, either ex Victorian Railways or SAR ELX type waggon.Jun 27, 2016
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